Chapter Fourteen

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Before you read I would like to warn that this chapter does have smut in it. I will put a warning when it starts and ends so you know when to skip it if you choose not to read it. 

Also, I would like to point out they are NOT MINORS and are both 18. I will never write smut that includes minors because it would make both me and others uncomfortable. 

It is my first time writing smut, so if it's bad I apologize. 

Thank you so much for reading!!!



         The dates going really well so far. We were currently eating out food that was just brought out. I had gotten roasted salmon and potatoes with a side salad and Alexia got a filet and potatoes with a salad. The food was really good too. We have to go back here again if the rest does well.

         We had held hands and talked the entire time until the food came out. It was nice, almost too nice. We talked about everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Even though we already knew most of these things, it was still nice to just talk about it. I know it's only the first date but I could already envision a future with her. 

        I couldn't stop looking at her. She just looks Well, she looks beautiful too, but that's not what I'm trying to say. She's laughing and her eyes are just shining with happiness. She threw her head back and laughed, carefree, at something I said and I couldn't help but grin at her with a soft look on my face. She must have noticed because -

      "What? Is there something on my face?" She asked, still radiating happiness. 

      "No, no, you just...look so happy." 

       "Maybe because I am," she said with such confidence. 

      God. I hoped that happiness lasts but realistically I knew it wouldn't. I knew there's ups and downs with her mental health and I'm ready for it. I've been willing to die for her for years, so what's going to change now. It'll just be us, but now we go on dates.

      "You know, I've been thinking about booking an author or a teacher, or maybe even a professor, or maybe all. I can write books and teach. Don't you think?" She asked and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

      "Yeah, I think you could do it. What grade and subject would you teach?"

     "Definitely English or literature, maybe even mythology. I would probably do high school or college, I don't think I could teach little kids." 

     "I think that would be great for you," I told her. And I meant it.

      She's always had a knack for books and writing, so it only makes sense that she would do something along those lines. She's also incredibly intelligent, and I'm not just saying that because I love her. I mean, she's actually the smartest person I've ever met. She's graduating valedictorian and has academic scholarships to places like Harvard and Yale. She's even gotten offers to go to Oxford. 

      "I'm thinking of going to law school and becoming a lawyer. But I don't know what type yet," I told her. 

      "You should go for it. I think you're made for it."

      I've always wanted to be a lawyer. My dad owns a successful law firm and guest lectures in law classes. I used to go and watch him in court when he deemed the case was not too gruesome for a kid. I was entranced by the way the lawyers would integrate the witnesses and parade up and down the jury, making their closing statements. That was how I knew that I wanted to be a lawyer.

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