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Three years ago

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Three years ago...

Souho wiped his jaw at the bruised part where his father had hit him. He was in a public restroom, escaping from his home for who knows how many times. It's not like he wanted to anyways. His father humiliated him in front of his boyfriend---who is now his ex after the old man had threatened him to break up or else he would have to call his lawyers to get a restraining order.

He got out of the restroom, he puts his hood up and tucked his hands in his pockets while walking around the town. Souho passed by an ad promoting their company, he scoffed and proceeded to ignore it. When something is unnatural, people tend to question it, would often lead to them supporting the idea or be against it. In Souho's case, his family is against him dating another boy.

In a ring of a bell, he found himself ending up in a café and the loud chattering made him flinch. Souho doesn't like loud noises and large crowds. The café was bustling with those two things that he disliked. 'I guess I could get something before I leave...' Souho searched for a place to sit down but everything was occupied by people, which made his stomach churn the longer he roams around to find a spot.

"Hey, over here!"

Souho whipped his head around and saw a girl sitting by the window waving at him. He doesn't know this person at all but she's willing to share him her table. She has h/c hair and e/c colored eyes that shimmered with energy. Judging from her uniform, she seems to be from another school. Souho had no choice but to sat down in front of her. "Thanks, I usually don't like being around people..."

"I'm Hina, I go to Wakamori Middle School."

"I'm Souho Shirasagi... I go to Narukami Private School."

"Shirasagi? Oh, you guys must be those people who make porcelain plates and clay pots." Hina explained. Souho sunk down into his seat, seems that Hina knows what his family does for work. The Shirasagi family were known across Japan about their outstanding company that produces pottery work, yet Souho knows that they were just keeping up their image of being a prestigious family, shrugging off the fact that his father just punched him on the jaw not to long ago.

He wouldn't be escaping from his house if everyone thought that his life was perfect, which it doesn't. Souho wanted to laugh when his classmates knew about his family background and told him that he gets whatever he wants. He can't, if he really can get anything he wants, he wouldn't have broken up with his first boyfriend in the first place. "Yeah, it's my family's business."

"You seemed really messed up." Hina notices the bruises on his knuckles and an obvious bruise on his jaw. She thought that Souho got into a fight. "What's wrong? Did something happen on your way here?"

Souho realizes that he was tearing up and a heavy feeling starts to weigh him down. 'I can't believe I'm crying in front of a stranger.' He quickly wiped his tears using the sleeve of his hoodie. "I'm fine." Souho coldly stated. "I just wanted to cool off from my house. I've been through a breakup recently, it didn't end well."

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