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"Okay..." Y/n puts the projector ball on the center of the room after they covered up the whole room with black cloth. She pointed at Hazawa who is in charge of turning the interactive stellar map in Y/n's laptop. "Hit it Hazawa!"

"Whoaaa..." Everyone in the clubroom admired their work in awe, Y/n smiled proudly on how everything worked out so perfectly that it felt like they were in outer space for a second. Yeonji's eyes sparkled like the stars and her twin brother Yejun had his mouth hung open in astonishment.

"It looks so sparkly...it would definitely make everyone smile." Tsurumaki throws her arms around Y/n in joy in which the latter held her hands as they all take a look around the projected stars on the black cloth. The school festival starts at next week so they still have time to prepare for their separate activities with their class.

Y/n exits the clubroom to go back to her classroom, their acting has gotten better for weeks of practicing and now that leaves them to create the props. "Achoo—!" Y/n sneezed, she pulls out her handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her nose. "Haaachoooo—!" She sneezes again and it went on till she arrived in the classroom with some allergies.

"God, these fucking allergies." Y/n sniffed as she wiped her nose continuously after she sneezed for the fifth time. Amane handed her his handkerchief just in case she needed more wipes, he was growing concerned on her non-stop sneezing—but he couldn't help to think her sneezes were adorable.

"You've been sneezing a lot lately..." Amane noticed that she was constantly sneezing and wiping her nose. It's probably the scattered dust around the room or was it something in the room that Y/n is allergic to. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah—achoo!" Y/n deadpanned, her handkerchief is getting wet due to her wiping her nose. She shakes Amane's handkerchief to see if its okay for her to use it in which her boyfriend agreed. "I'll take some rest back at the apartment, I can't think straight after sneezing too much."

"Do you have those seasonal allergies? A slight change of weather can get you to sneeze a lot maybe?"

Y/n smiled softly on how Amane is growing worried for her even if it's just some random allergies, it shows that he cares. "Sometimes, though it feels like this allergies happen monthly so don't worry about it." She said. Amane brushes her hair up to feel her forehead to see if she has a fever but she doesn't have any, so why is Y/n having allergies then?

On their way home, Y/n did not stop sneezing, even Amane's handkerchief had gotten wet because of blowing her nose. Y/n went to the bathroom to get more tissues and when she sat on the toilet, her eyes grew wide once she pulled down her pants. "Oh no, fucking wonder." Y/n is on her period. Instead of getting monthly cramps, she gets allergies during her period—cramps is a rarely thing for her.

Amane never realized that she was having periods from two months they have been together because she always hide away her pads and tampons. Y/n stood up to check her secret compartment for some pads, then her face fell into disappointment when she only saw a one lonely tampon—it's her last one since she used them all up last month. "FUCKING HELL!" She yelled out.

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