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Weddings are not complete without a reception afterwards

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Weddings are not complete without a reception afterwards. Y/n couldn't believe that their wedding cake is so big and yummy, well Funtom Corporation are famous for its sweets so no wonder they could pull off something this good. "Hon, let me." Amane guided her hand to cut a slice of cake as everyone took pictures of them. "You do have a shaky hand." He whispered next to her.

They both placed it on a porcelain plate. Y/n took a small fork and sliced a bit of cake. She raised her hand as Amane gratefully ate the slice of cake. "It tastes like vanilla." Amane commented while licking his lips.

"Husband, it is literally vanilla." Y/n corrected while taking a bite of her cake as she smiled at the sweetness. "It tastes good how come you don't want more?" She asked, then she chuckled when Amane eyed the serving of donuts on the buffet. The couple went to their seats as they placed the food on the clothed table.

"You really do love donuts, huh?" Y/n playfully rolled her eyes with a soft smile as she watched her husband munching on a plain donut like a kid. He never changed when it comes to his preference, a grown man but still loves donuts-yet Y/n is willing to make a thousand donuts for him.

"Of course! They're my favorite after all." Amane happily said. Y/n took the napkin on the table as leaned over to wipe off the crumbs off of his face. "H-Hey! I'm not a kid anymore, I can wipe myself." He blushed. Y/n chuckled while shaking her head, taking a donut from the plate and biting it.

"I know..." Y/n smiled softly at Amane. Her eyes brightened as she remembered the gift she was supposed to give Amane. "Hold on dear, I'm got something for you." She said while standing up from the table to get the gift. Y/n greeted some guests along the way, they congratulate her in response. Most of the guests were mostly on family and friends and some are friends of a friend.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Yugi."

Y/n turned around to see a male with grayish blue hair with an eyepatch along with a girl with dandelion colored hair. Y/n immediately recognize the two people in front of her. "Serika Aoi and...you're the CEO of Funtom Corporation..." To those who don't know, Serika Aoi is Akane's cousin and the owner of the Funtom is none other than-

"Ciel Phantomhive." Y/n's face brightened as the two of them shook hands. "Thank you for choosing Funtom to organize your wedding event and as a token of appreciation, I'd like to give you and your husband a gift." Ciel gestured the tall man in black to give the gifts to Y/n. The gift consisted of two Bitter Rabbits dressed in wedding attire along with a pack of sweets.

"Thank you so much Mr. Phantomhive." Y/n smiled as she took the gifts before bowing and left to continue on her way to the gift section, which is the corner of the hall. She greeted the guests along the way, conversed with them a little until a familiar pink haired male and a blonde male came up behind her.

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