Gold x Archie

715 9 5

Tw: exhibitionism (public play)

Archie hadn't slept well the last night. Come to think of it he hadn't slept well the night before either. Maybe a couple nights before that as well. He wasn't sure. The only thing he was sure of was he was going to need a coffee to make it through the day.

He made his way up to the counter at Granny's and ordered one and then went to have a seat in a booth while he waited. It was going to take a minute considering it was a Monday morning. The place was bustling.

A few moments later Mr. Gold walked in and Archie was suddenly remembering why he hadn't been sleeping. A few days earlier he had had a rather awkward run in with the other man and was sure he had given himself up and Gold surly knew of his feelings.

He watched Gold walk up to the counter and have a rather loud 'conversation' with Ruby about rent. Soon Widow showed up with the money in hand.

Seeing Gold in that state. Angry.. demanding.. getting what he wants. It did something to Archie. Something he was ashamed of and made him glad he was sitting down.

Gold spun around, money in hand, and made direct eye contact with the theripist. Archie felt his heart stop in his chest as he realized he'd been caught staring.

The other man made his way across the diner and had a seat across from Archie, never once taking his eyes off the other's.

"Mr. Gold... How are you?" Archie felt his body start to tingle. This was not good.

"I am fine." Gold began to roll up his left sleeve to show off a yellowing bruise. "Hit my cane when you drug me down, but fortunately you mostly broke my fall." He remarked, a smirk spread across his face.

Archie could feel his face grow a deeper red. He wasn't sure weather it was due to Gold bringing up him tripping and subsequently grabbing and dragging Gold down on top of him, or the thoughts of Gold undressing brought by him rolling up his sleeve.

He could feel his erection strain against his slacks in a very uncomfortable way. Nearly stimulating, but not nearly enough. At this point he was sure there would be a wet spot by the time he was ready to leave.

"Dr. Hopper." Archie's eye bounced back up to Gold's. "I asked how you were feeling after your tumble."

That's when Archie's noticed it. A tight feeling around his hard on, along with the ever growing tingle. It wasn't... magic?

He looked back up at Gold. The man wore a wicked grin. Archie couldn't be sure. But he was sure he'd find out sooner then later.

"I'm fine." The words were slightly difficult to get out and Gold seemed to be enjoying it. "More so an ego bruise then anything..."

"I see."

Ruby walked over, setting the coffee down on the table. "Is he bothering you Archie?" She asked, throwing a nasty look at Gold.

The tightness around his cock caught him off guard with a slight movement. Up and back down.

"No." Archie choked out.

She looked suspiciously between the two of them. "Well. Let me know if you need anything." Archie nodded and she headed back to work.

He looked back over to Gold. He was sure now. From the look on Gold's face to the timing to the odd tingle.

"Are you enjoying yourself Doctor?"

Archie only nodded in response. The up and down feeling continued. Gold just looked at him smiling. Biting the inside of his lip now. Archie fought to keep himself quite and still.

Gold lean back in the booth. "More?"

Archie quickly nodded and the pace quickened. He tried to relax but his hands continued to try and grasp onto the table unsuccessfully.

He could feel it building quickly in his body. He folded his arms and laid his head down. He knew it was coming soon and he really didn't want Gold, or anyone else for that matter, to see his face.

Gold chuckled quietly and it pushed him over the edge. His eyes shut tight and every muscle in his body tensed.

When it was over he picked up his head and looked at Gold. The other man looked back in mock pity. Then he stood up and gathered his things, "if you'd like the real thing meet me at my shop tonight. Say.. 8pm." Then he turned and left.

Archie took a look at his cold coffee. Quickly sat a couple dollars on the table and then planned his escape rout. He need to go home and shower before his first appointment.

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