Rumple x Reader

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My head smacked off the wall harder then expected. His hand fisted in my hair, pulling back and exposing my throat. He licked along my esophagus. I'm a fool to let such a ferocious creature put his mouth on my throat.


He bit down hard. I could fell the blood running. I could feel him licking it, cleaning me.

He grabbed my dress pulling it up. Exposing me to him and the cold. He pushed his pelvis against mine so I could feel him. I let out a soft moan.


The breeze that came with the smoke was slightly chilly. Or maybe that was my sudden lack of clothing.

I fell. The wall no longer there. A bed caught me.

I noticed he was also bare and exposed. His skin shimmered. Sparked like gold, even in the dark. I reached up to feel it, but right before my fingers graced him chains were around my wrists and pulled them above my head.

"No. Touching."He growled.


His fingers slipped between my legs and his face lit up. "So needy. So soso needy." His voice scratched at my ears in a way that made me tense up. Fear for my life.


His fingers slipped inside me. It hurt but it felt so good. I moaned and let my eyes close. Let myself become more vulnerable. He moved them in and out making me cry for more.

He yanked his fingers out of me and shoved them in my mouth. I began to suck and he let out a guttural noise.


All at once he shoved himself deep inside me. He sighed and for the first time ever he looked relaxed.

Then he began to move. Hard and fast. A feeling building inside me. I moaned and arched my back. Begging to take him deeper, faster, more.. more.... more.....

I looked up at him, his eyes locked on my face. Teeth bared to me. A show of dominance. He was making sure I knew who was in control.


I had dreamt of this day, and I had never imagined it would be so amazing. Dreamt of letting the beast ravish me. Of him filling me. Of our bodies together. Sweat and blood. No love. No kindness. Just lust and primal instincts.

He is (always has been) so dangerous. Forbidden fruit. No touching. Only looking. Only thinking. It's not safe. He's not safe.


I could feel his hand running over my body. My throat. My breasts. My stomach. Then... "Yes!"

He moved his thumb over my button. I felt the ball of energy in my belly swell. This was like nothing I had ever felt.

My eyes locked on his. So inhuman.


I was so close. Just a little more. I could hear him growl. His breathing deep and intentional.

The orgasm hit me like no other I had ever felt. So intense I was practically screaming. The smirk on his face told me he knew. Knew exactly what I was thinking. What I was feeling.


He dropped down on top of my. His teeth scraping my neck.

"You are mine now. No one else will ever have you after this. Are you sure?" His voice was deeper. He seemed more grounded to reality then I had ever heard him before.

I nodded, "I already told you."

"I want you to tell me you're sure."

"I'm sure."

He rammed into me. Hard. Causing me to yelp.


His pace became more regular again. Every move intentional. His breath heavy against my neck. Slowing becoming faster.

He bit into my shoulder. Blood spilling again.


His jaw clenched harder. Teeth digging into flesh. A strangled noise. Then I was over.

He rolled over and laid next to me. We both just stared at the ceiling of his bed chamber. I had really done it. I had had sex with the dark one. Such an unholy act.

I felt him sit up and get out of bed. I looked over at him and saw that he was getting dressed.



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