Rumple x reader 2

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"And for you Portal jumper." I sat down the tea on the table.

"Excuse me?" The man glared up at me. With a flourish, bringing a hand to his chest in offense.

I cringed at the sound of a chair being scooted across the flood and looked up to see the beast now standing, "Is that any way to speak to a guest?"

"That's what you call him. Isn't that his name?" I asked, slowly backing away.

"What are you going to do about your wench Dark One?" The man taunted.

Rumplestiltskin's eyes, ranging, jumped between the portal jumper and I. He took a step back from the table, "Here. Now!" He was pointing to the spot between himself and the table. I hesitated, trying to asses the situation, but that only made it worse. "Now!"

I jumped and quickly hurried around the table to stand in front of him. He shoved me down so I was leaned over the table.


"Quite bitch!"

His hand came down hard on my back side, causing me to yelp. I looked up to see the portal jumper watching tentatively. A large smile plastered across his face.

Another smack. Then he grabbed my skirt and pulled it up, exposing my bare ass and vagina to him. I felt my face growing hot. He smacked me again and again. It stung so much worse against the bare and already sore skin. "His name is Jefferson, but you will only address him as sir." He smacked me again.

"Harder!" Jefferson piped up.

"No.." I cried


"You seem to be enjoying this." Rumplestiltskin said evenly. He took a step back and rubbed a hand softly over the stinging flesh.

Then his hand slid down. One finger probing and my vagina.

"Very very wet." Rumplestiltskin giggled and pushed his finger inside me. I struggled to hold back a whimper as he began to move it in and out.

He curled his finger and flicked it up and down. I couldn't help myself anymore. I buried my face in my arms but it did little to muffle my cries of pleasure.

The finger was pulled out of me, and I cried out a soft plea for him to continue. Which only caused both men to laugh at me.

I could hear the sound of leather being adjusted. That brought a bit of comfort to my wanting body.

The head of his cock pressed against my opening. Slowly he pushed it in, giving me time to adjust to the large size. His hands were planed firmly on my waste, getting a good grip.

When the whole length was inside me I wiggles my hips. Hopping he would get the message, and he did. He began to ram, deep inside me. It felt to good. The sensation was nearly enough to make me cry.

Rumplestiltskin fisted his hand into my hair, yanking my head up. "Look at him!" Jefferson was still sitting there. Watching contently. "Do you like that? Being watched? I bet you love the attention. That is why you act the way you do. Is it not?"

I only moan in response. I was too far gone to come up with any real words. My head was so fuzzy.

Suddenly I felt a tingle around my clitoris. Damn his magic!

I began to shake as my orgasm racked my body. I was screaming, I was sure of it.

Jefferson reaches out to pet my hair, but Rumplestiltskin smacked his hand away quickly, a deep, primal, growl came from him. "Try and touch her again Portal Jumper and I will destroy you."

Jefferson didn't even seem phased. He just sat back and crossed his arms "You're no fun Rumple!"

After another moment or so Rumplestiltskin pulled his cock out of my body. After he had tucked himself away he wiped me clean with a silk cloth. "Why don't you take a seat dearie?" He motioned to the seat he had been sitting in before all of the began. I did as I was told, even though I was still sore.

Jefferson picked up his satchel and reached inside. He pulled out a necklace. The pendant was a blue glowing shark's eye seashell. "Here."

Rumplestiltskin snatched it from his hand and it disappeared in a puff of smoke. "You better be on your way now Hatter."

Jefferson stood up, gave a quick bow, and left.

A hot cup of tea appeared in front of me.

"And you are?"

"Good." I gave a slight smile, sipping on my tea

Rumplestiltskin gave an awkward smile. "Very well then... thank you for your participation." He nodded and he was on his way.

Odd man...

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