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We walk in and wait to be seated. I look around at all the people. This is the most people I've seen in the last year. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I subconsciously hide behind Harden.

"What are you doing?" He asks me confused. I just shrug and follow him and the waitress to our table, and slide in across from him.

"So, Sawyer, tell me about yourself." He says, taking an interest in me.

"Um, Well, there's not much to tell." I lie, not wanting to tell a complete stranger about my miserable life. He nods understanding. We order and wait for the food in silence. I look at his face, not helping but seeing his attractiveness. Probably since he's one of the only guys I've seen in a year. I shake the thought off, knowing he probably isn't gay. My mind goes to my father. Is he still around here? Did he move? Is he still alive? I don't know how he would manage on his own. I did all the cooking and cleaning. There's no way he could function on his own. I'm pulled from my thoughts by food being placed in front of me. I take in the delicious scent of my soup and salad, not wanting to eat too much. I watch as Harden casually eats his fries and hamburger, while I take slow sips of my soup.

"Not hungry?" He asks, starting a conversation. I look at him as if he's joking. He notices and furrows his eyebrows.

"I've been fed a roll and mashed potato every other day for the past year. My stomach is the size of a golf ball, if I eat too much, I'll just puke it up." I say, with unfound confidence.

"You were only fed every other day?" He asks confused.

"Don't act like you didn't know," I respond rolling my eyes.

"I honestly had no idea. I just recently came back from the navy. I'm really sorry you had to go through that." He answers with empathy.

"If you were in the navy, how are you wrapped up with the most ruthless mafia?" I ask confused. His lips tug into a smile.

"I've been friends with Miles for as long as I can remember. After his parents died a few days ago, I put in my resignation and decided to come back to the mafia. I worked with Miles and his parents for a few years before joining the navy. I just could never get behind them or their actions. Miles may be a cold-hearted son of a bitch, but he has morals. He hated that his dad was into human trafficking. That's why when they died, he wasted no time in freeing everyone." He explains, surprising me. I watch Harden as we finish eating. His face has returned to the emotionless one I saw when he was with Miles. He stands up silently, confusing me. I watch as he walks up to the register and pays.

"When do we start training?" I ask as we walk in sync back to his truck.

"Tomorrow." He answers simply. I feel my heart speed up. How will I fight? I am basically just skin and bones. I have zero muscle; this is going to be hell. I enjoy the silence of the car ride. I watch the King's subdivision come into view. We both get out, each grabbing a few bags of clothes.

"Where are we going?" I ask, having no idea where I'm supposed to stay.

"All of the guards share a few houses. There are like ten rooms in each house, and two people per room. Since I'm your trainer, we'll be sharing a room." He answers coldly. I look at his face, confused at his sudden behavior. I shake it off and follow him through a house and into a back room. My eyes fall onto a big room, with two beds. One side of the room has bags on it, so I assume the other side is mine. My suspicion is confirmed when he sets the bags on the other bed. I follow and drop the heavy white bags down with a plop. Harden walks towards me with a small box in his hands.

"Here." He says handing me it. I take it and notice it's a phone. I smile. I haven't had a phone in years. After my mom died, I had one until it broke when I was 15. My dad didn't bother to buy me a new one. I walk over to my bed and watch as Harden lays down, playing his phone. I open the small closet by my bed and smile when I see empty hangers. I quickly put all my clothes away, eager to set up my phone. Once I empty all the bags, I relax onto my new bed. I fight the urge to moan as I take in the insane comfort of it. The otherwise average bed feels like Heaven compared to the cement floor I've been sleeping on for the past year. I spend the next few hours playing and messing with my phone when it gets a notification. I click it and it takes me to a pre-downloaded app. 'Supper is ready.' I read the alert.

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