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I blink quickly, not liking the light invading my eyes. I turn on my other side and look over at Harden.

"Happy six months."

"Happy six months," I say back. He pulls me against him and stay cuddled together talking for over an hour.

"I'm hungry," I tell him when my stomach growls. He nods and we walk into the kitchen. I sit at the bar as he pulls out cinnamon rolls. He opens the container and puts them in the oven.

"We have twenty minutes; what do you propose we do?"

"I have something in mind." He answers sexily. He walks over and kisses me. He puts his hands on my ribs and carries me to the table. I lay back and he lays over.

One thing leads to another, and I hear the oven timer beep. I watch as Harden walks over to the oven and takes them out. While he does that I wipe down the table. He plates the cinnamon rolls and walks over to the table with them.

"I'll get drinks," I tell, as I walk to the fridge. I pull out some milk and pour it into two cups. After we finish eating, we have a meeting with Miles about our new job.

"Is there any job we don't want?" I ask.

"The cellars. You don't want to guard the cellars. The most boring job." I nod. That sounds so boring. Waking up every day to go, guard, what was my personal hell, no thank you. We both clean up and get dressed.

"You ready?" I nod to him. We walk out into the long hallway and make our way down to the end. Harden knocks quickly.

"Come in." We hear Miles say prompting Harden to open the door.

"So I'm going to be giving you your new permanent detail. There are usually no changes, sometimes there are exceptions. Also, know these jobs are permanent. Even after a few years, there won't be any changes." He says giving us the usual disclaimer. We both nod nervously.

"So you both will stay together he confirms." Putting us at a little ease.

"You both will be my personal bodyguards. You guys will go everywhere with me." We both smile excitedly.

"You'll get more details tonight. You start tomorrow." With that, we walk out.

"This is a good job right?"

"The best," Harden tells me.

"We'll get to travel the world." He tells me causing excitement to bubble in me. We walk back to our room and Harden starts telling me about the job.

"So although Miles can protect himself, we'll be there as a precaution. We get to travel with him, and go everywhere he goes. I kind of figured we'd get this job. One, he trusts me with his life. Two, he knows it'll be easy, so he's looking out for me." I smile. After discussing the job for a lot longer, our phones chime. We both grab them and read the message.

"Tomorrow August 17th we leave at five am to go to The UK for a meeting. We'll be staying for three days, so pack accordingly."

"Have you ever been to The UK?" I ask Harden.

"Yeah, when I stayed with Devin, Marie, and Miles. We traveled all around." I have to admit I'm pretty excited to go to The UK.

"How long is the flight going to be?"

"Probably only two hours."

"Are all these meetings we'll go to for the mafia or since he's a royal?"

"Unless he says otherwise we can assume for the mafia. He has other guards for his royal duties although he may take us with him." I nod understanding.

"I'm hungry, let get supper. Oh, in-n-out!" I recommend excitedly. Of course, Harden quickly agrees. We both get up and lazily walk out to the truck.

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