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I sit up, feeling extra tired. I go to get up but immediately fall back down due to the pain in my lower back. As I go to lay down, I hear a chuckle behind me.

"What?" I ask angrily.

"Nothing. Do you need help?" He asks sweetly making me feel bad for my earlier attitude.

"I suppose." He walks over and picks me up. He finally sets me on the bathroom counter as he starts a bath. While his back is towards me, I decide to slide off the counter and go to the bathroom. 

After I relieve myself, I let Harden help me take my clothes off. I hesitated when he got to my shirt but then remembered what he said the night before. 'These scars do not define you.' I feel my shirt slide over my head leaving me naked.

I get in the tub and sigh as the warm water relaxes my muscles. Before I know it I see Harden stripping. I scoot forward and let him slide in behind me. We sit in comfortable silence, finding solace in each other's presence.

"Can we skip training today?" I ask defeated.

"Of course, angel." He says with a laugh. I lean back against him fully relaxed. We sit in silence until the water turns cold. I stand up feeling 100% better and relaxed. He leads me to the bed and walks over to my dresser to get me some clothes.

"Angel where are all your clothes?"

"Oh, they're all dirty," I reply.

"Why haven't you washed them?"

"I didn't know we had a washer," I reply embarrassed. I watch as he walks over to his dresser and pulls out a t-shirt to go with my sweats.

I let him dress me, then walk over and throw myself on his bed. I let his smell surround me. I feel him lay down beside me. We both lay on our stomachs.

"It's going to suck when the three months are over."


"We'll have to see and talk to other people. Besides, I figured we'd have to hide this." I say pointing between us.

"We're not hiding this. If someone has something to say, they can say it to me." He says before pulling me into his arms. I lay there, my mind racing. 'What will people think of us.' 'How will they react?'

"If you're thinking about what people will think, just don't." He says softly. I nod and look at him.

"Can we play Call of Duty?" I ask.

"Of course, angel." And we do just that.

The next two months fly by. They're filled with training and a whole lot of love. By the end of the three months, I can't wait to see Kyle and fill him in on everything.

"You ready? We have to meet in the cafeteria in two minutes." He explains. I nod and follow him out of the room. As we walk towards the cafeteria, I feel him grab my hand. I look up at him nervously.

He doesn't spare me a glance, so I quickly try to put my hand away but have no luck. He's not letting go. As we walk into the room, I feel everyone's eyes burning into me. Or rather us.

My eyes land on Kyle who's staring at us with wide eyes and an open mouth. He immediately speeds walks over to us.

"When?" That is the first thing he says.

"Why hello to you too," I say sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah yeah. But seriously. When?"

"About a month in."

"Y'all are a thing?"

"Yes, we're dating," Harden says coldly interrupting. It's funny how quickly he can flip his emotions off. I look up at him and roll my eyes at his attitude, and nudge his side.

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