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"That's everything," Harden says as we set down our bags of clothes. I look at the factory we turned into an apartment. A big open room with a bathroom, makeshift kitchen, and a bed.

"Looks good," I say to Harden before kissing him.

"Selfishly I hope were here a long time," I whisper to him.

"Why's that?" He asks matching my volume.

"Because I like it being just you and me."

"That's not selfish." He tells me with a heated kiss.

"You ready to set up?" He asks me; I nod. We walk over to the big suitcase of surveillance gear we bought this morning. I watch as he sets up a tripod, attaching a camera. He opens the camera and angles it to the entrance. He then attaches a round, sticky circle to the window.

"It's a microphone." He tells me noticing my confused glance. He then opens his laptop that's connected to the camera and the microphone. I sit on the end of the bed, snacking on some chips.

"Do we have to constantly be watching or can we just listen?" I ask with a suggestive look.

"Just listen." He tells me, walking over towards the bed. He takes his shirt off and we start kissing and don't stop.

"I'm tired," I tell him as we lay our bare chest together.

"Go to sleep, I can watch them myself." He says sounding just as out of breath as me. I let my eyes close and give in to sleep.

I open my eyes and see the sun setting out the big window.

"What time is it?" I ask Harden who's sitting by the table at the window.

"It's almost seven."

"Great, I guess I won't be sleeping tonight," I comment sarcastically.

"Well, you won't be up by yourself." I smile at him.

"Have you had supper?"

"No, I was waiting for you."

"Well, I'll go make us salads," I tell him. He thanks me as I walk to the kitchen. I pull out all the ingredients and quickly throw them together. I grab forks and drinks and walk out to Harden. I set the salads on the table in front of him and we quietly eat, listening to the microphone.

I take little bites, not too hungry. I wonder how long we'll be here. I also wonder what the other trainees are doing back in Pegna. I look at Harden and see he's almost done with his salad. As he takes his last bite, I stand up taking both our bowels to the kitchen.

I put his bowl and spoon in the sink, and empty the rest of my salad into the trash. I then set my bowl in the sink next to his.

"Since we're doing surveillance does that mean we can't leave?"

"Depends where to. If it's like a minute or two away it shouldn't be a problem. The computer notifies me when it picks up on any voices. So we just need to be close enough to get back if it does." I nod in understanding.

"Can you teach me Blackjack as you promised?"

"Sure," Harden tells me pulling out a deck of cards.

After at least two hours of him teaching, I give up.

"Harden. You make zero sense. Zero!" I scream at him.

"Angel, I've been explaining it for two hours. Don't you think that says something?" He asks me calmly.

"Yeah, that I need a new teacher." I get up and storm over to the bed. I angrily throw myself on the bed and turn my back towards Harden. I feel the bed dip beside me.

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