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"You guys decent?" I hear Miles knock on the door.

"Yeah." Harden grunts beside me. Miles opens the door.

"We're landing in fifteen minutes, you guys need to come out and put seatbelts on."

We both sit up.

"Ugh," I say throwing the blankets off of us.

"We slept the whole flight?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Harden tells me as we got up. We walk out to where Miles is sitting, and join him. I look out the window as we land. As the clouds slowly get higher until they're out of view. I feel the plane bounce a few times before steading out. We all stand up, grabbing our own bags. We all walk out, getting in Harden's truck.

"Are you rich?" I ask Harden, causing Miles to laugh.

"I wouldn't say rich angel. I just am comfortable."

"That's what a rich person would say," I tell him, and they both laugh. We sit in silence on the drive home, with the radio softly playing in the background. We walk into the house and go our separate ways.

"Harden, what are we going to do these next few days?"

"I don't know. Relax, watch movies, and just chill," He recommends. I nod, liking that idea.

"How about we watch a movie now?" I ask bored.

"How about we watch the office," He asks still obsessed. I grab the tv remote and pull it up while he pulls his shirt off and lays down. I gawk at his torso hungrily. I walk over and lay down on him while I push resume on an episode. After five episodes and an insane amount of laughing, we turn the tv off.

"Let's do something," He suggests.

"Shopping," I say getting up and getting dressed. He groans, but gets up and follows me out to the truck. We drive to the nearest mall.

"There's a spot," I tell Harden pointing ahead. He nods and pulls in. We both get out and start walking towards the entrance.

"Crap, I left my wallet in the truck," Harden says patting at his shorts. We turn around and walk back to the truck. I see two guys standing by the truck. Harden must notice too because I see his hand by his waistband. Before he can pull his gun out, the two guys pull one out. We're each staring down a barrel.

"What do you want?" Harden asks pissed.

"Your guns for starters," I watch as Harden rolls his eyes as they walk over and take his gun. They then look over at me. I take one hand that's in the air and lift my shirt, showing I don't have one. I put my hand back up, so I have both hands in the air, mirroring Harden.

"Let's go," They say roughly. Neither of us take a step, so they walk behind us and put the guns into our backs, and push. I stumble forward, almost falling. Harden and I walk forward.

"The red van up there," The guy says. We slowly walk over and get roughly shoved into the van. I look over at Harden as we each get our hands and legs tied together.

"What're we going to do?" I ask starting to get scared.

"It's fine, just grab my phone from my pocket." I move around so my back is to him. I move my hand around until I find his pocket. I quickly pull his phone out and it on the ground. I bend over and use my nose to unlock it.

"These kidnappers must be idiots," I tell Harden. He nods back. I go to the phone app and dial Miles.

"What do you want Harden?" I hear Miles ask.

"Me and Sawyer just got kidnapped," Harden tells Miles with a chuckle.

"Of course you did. Let me track your phone," He tells us before we hear typing over the phone.

"It look's like you guys are headed towards the Taylors headquarters. Looks like they're mad we took their boss. Don't worry. I already sent a group to come get you. They are like five minutes behind you. God, the Taylors have always been stupid. But wow they must be getting really desperate," He tells us with a laugh.

"We have to go; I think we're stopping." With that Miles hangs up. I quickly grab the phone and slip it back into Harden's pocket.

"Hang in there angel. Nothing's going to happen." He assures me, and I nod. Both side doors slide open and we both get grabbed. They drag us to a dirty basement.

"Who should we try first?" One guys asks the other.

"That one," He says pointing at me.

"He looks weaker," He adds. I look over at Harden as they pull me into another room. Harden starts pulling against the ties, struggling. They strap me to the ceiling, exactly like what we did to my dad. I look over and see a table of instruments.

"Where are you keeping our boss?" They ask. Remembering what Harden taught me, I keep my mouth shut not wanting to make things worse. I'll die before I tell them what they want. Not liking my silence I feel a fist hit my ribs, causing me to groan. How long are five minutes, I ask myself. I watch as one guy picks up a knife and walks towards me. He starts to lightly cut at my arm, making me hiss. He takes the knife and moves down to my leg. I feel him push the knife all the way in my thigh. I force my mouth shut, not wanting to scream. I feel tears fall down my cheeks. Right as he goes to twist the knife, I hear a gunshot. I look up through my tears and see Harden with a gun. He walks over to me and undoes the chains holding me up. He holds me up so I don't fall. He looks down and sees the knife still in my leg. He lifts me up and carries me out of the room. I look over and see a rope tied around the other guard's neck.

"You're okay angel," He tells me.

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