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I don't know what possessed me, but the moment by fist connected with his jaw, I enjoyed the cracking sound. I couldn't stop myself from lifting my fist and punching him two more times. I pull my first back for a fourth time, but feel someone grab my arm.

"Angel, you'll have time for this later. Now we need to get him to Miles." I scoff, wondering why he'd protect my dad. I angrily storm off of the airplane as soon as the doors open seconds later. I immediately get in the first car I see. Not bearing to ride with my dad or even Harden at the moment. I see two sets of familiar-looking instructors and trainees. After quick hellos, we watch making sure everything goes as planned. I watch Miles walk over to Harden and they both shove my dad in a car, getting behind him. I watch as a couple of cars pull out in front of them, then they pull out, driving behind to cars and in front of two. The short drive back to the base goes by without any problems, and I watch as they drag my dad down to the cellars that I was held in for a year. I follow them, a few yards back. My plan to eavesdrop fails when the door slams behind me, causing all three to snap their heads my way. I walk over and stand by them, just in time to see them roughly shove my dad in a cell.

"Where were you, angel?" Harden asks as Miles talks with the other guards. I shrug at him still pissed.

"Did something happen?" I shrug again, not wanting to risk opening my mouth.

"Are you mad?" He asks, adding fuel to the flame.

"I don't know, you tell me," I demand as I storm off to join Miles. Over the last six months, I've grown a lot more comfortable around him.

"Do not let him out for anything or anyone, unless Harden or I am present." I listen to him tell the guard. Earning a quick nod as the guys stays the same. This guy, Miles, and Harden all need to teach me how to do that. How to manage to always look so emotionless and cold. I'll never understand. I try really hard to hide my emotions, but I'm just way too emotional for that. That's another reason I don't know how I've managed to make it as far as I did. With training and social wise. I guess I've got used to thriving with the lack of people and excitement. I look over and see Harden staring at me. When he sees me notice he still doesn't break. I see him walk over, causing me to sigh loudly.

"What did I do?" He asks seeming confused.

"Other than defend my dad, nothing much," I answer bitterly. He stares at me confused.

"I stopped you because Miles said he wanted to bring him back here, in one piece." He tries to reason.

"You know what you're right. Because Miles got abused and hit by this man for over ten years. The way you follow him so blindly is concerning." I say accusingly.

"I don't follow him blindly, I usually know more than I let on. For example, I knew that when we brought your dad back, Miles was going to let you take the first shift with him." He tells me, I look up at him, knowing what he means by 'shift'. I just walk up the stairs of the cellar, hearing Harden follow me.

"I'm sorry," He says, hugging me when we get to the top.

"If Miles told me to do anything that concerns you, I'd only do what is in your best interest. I would never follow him blindly, even though I trust him with my life." He tells me, making me feel even more guilty. He just hugs me again and we walk back to Miles.

"When do I get to go?" I ask eagerly.

"Your shift starts now," Miles tells me before he turns and walks out of the cellars. The guard takes the hint and walks to the front of the cellars.

"Do you want me to stay?" Harden asks sweetly.

"Sure, but please don't interrupt." I shoot back with a smirk. He puts his hands up showing he's just going to observe. We take my dad from the cell and into a room in the back. I watch as Harden chains his hands to the ceiling, that's just tall enough to leave my dad dangling. I look at all the tools I have to help with the torture. My eyes scan them, before landing on the lighter and wrench. I think back to all the times he put his lit cigarettes on my nine-year-old back. I could finally give him the pain he gave me, even if it's just a sliver. I pick up the wrench and heat it with the lighter. I see my dad's eyes getting wide in realization.

"You don't have the balls." He tells me almost as a challenge. I laugh.

"You haven't seen me in a year and a half. A lot has changed." I put the lighter on the table and walk towards my dad with the wrench. I look at his bare shoulder and push the wrench against his shoulder. The sound of skin burning is drowned out by his screams. I do this a few more times until I get bored.

"Any advice on what I should do next?" I ask Harden sweetly.

"You could put the rings on and show him what you learned."

"What a fun idea," I say, walking over to the table and picking up the knuckle rings. My dad looks up at me with a smile, almost as if this would be a break from torture. I walk over and punch his cheek, the rings leaving scrapes with bruises around them. He head flies to the side and blood drips down his chin. I move down and start punching his gut. He grunts after each blow. I turn around and walk over to Harden.

"I think I'm done," I say not liking how I feel.

"Okay, let's go angel." We walk out of the room, leaving my dad.

"Hey Jon, we're done with him," Harden tells the guard who just nods in return.

"Leave him to Miles," I say. We walk back to our room. I flop down onto Harden's bed.

"God I've missed this room," I say finally relaxing. I watch as Harden flops down beside me. I roll over on top of him.

"I don't like doing that. It's satisfying at the moment, but I don't like how I feel afterward."

"You won't have to do it again. Not unless you ever want to." I nod and sit up. I walk to the bathroom and quickly strip before jumping in the shower. I let the water wash all my sweat and guilt off of me. I get out and wrap a towel around my waist.

"How are we going to get our stuff from Missouri?"

"Some of the other guards packed it for us, it should be on it's way back. Miles said we should get it tomorrow." I nod.

"What am I supposed to wear until then?"

"Here." He tells me as he walks over and grabs some clothes from his dresser.

Smart to not pack it all I think to myself. Meanwhile, everything I own is in Missouri. I put on the hoodie and shorts he brought over. As I change, I start to think. I wonder if Harden has anything planned for our six-month anniversary next week.

"Can we not do anything for our six months?"

"You don't want to?"

"Not really." "Unless you do," I add quickly.

"We won't do anything. No plans and no presents." I nod in agreement.

"We should watch a movie then go to sleep," I suggest. He nods, and we lay in bed. As he looks for a movie, I shift around trying to get comfortable. He picks a movie and starts it. Of course, it's action. Not really interested I tune out and think. What will we be doing now? We got my dad. Now it's time to be assigned more permanent jobs. I let my mind wander as I shut my eyes and go to sleep.

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