Doki Doki Hero Club

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Monika sighs as she notices Natsuki's robot

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Monika sighs as she notices Natsuki's robot. "Why did you make it so big Princess Poundcake?"

"For fear factor Green Knight." Natsuki says.

"I'm kinda hungry, oh wait!" Sayori says before she snaps her fingers to make cupcakes come to her mouth. "Shooo goood!"

"Captain Sweet, stop eating my cupcakes!" Natsuki says.

"Princess Poundcake, I thought you made them for all of us." Yuri says.

"I actually did Rouge Violet."  Natsuki says with her arms crossed.

"Oh really now?" Sirmileofours says as he walks into the club room in a jaguar suit, it was even black and parts of it looked almost to the point where he looked like an actual jaguar if he crawled on all fours. "You better have some cat nip for me then."

"Shut up Black Jaguar!" Natsuki says and gives him a punch that he dodges by jumping onto the ceiling and digs some claws he made into the concrete. "NO FAIR JAGUAR!"

"All's fair in saving my own life to protect others Princess Poundcake." Sirmileofours says with a wink and detaches from the ceiling next to Sayori and stands next to her, "Besides, Captain Sweet here needs those sweets to power herself up."

"What are you even wearing?" Natsuki says as she looks at you as you walk in, "Please tell me you didn't chose a dumb name for your get up."

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