Sirmileofours, Assassin, Alias: Shadow (I'll explain later)

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"Why is Sirmileofours dressed like that? It's like 80 out here and he's wearing a suit

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"Why is Sirmileofours dressed like that? It's like 80 out here and he's wearing a suit." Natsuki asks.

"I don't know but he's been gone for weeks at a time, I worry about him." Sayori says.

"There's rumors going around the school that there's an American Assassin known as Shadow that has been seen here, I wonder if he is going to attack Sirmileofours, or worse, one of us." Yuri says nervously.

"I'm sure we'll be okay girls, besides, Sirmileofours won't let anything happen to any of us, right Sirmileofours?" Monika asks.

Sirmileofours looks up from his phone and looks at Monika, "Hm?"

"Nothing." Monika says with a sigh.

Sirmileofours's phone goes off and he looks back at it and looks at everyone, "I gotta go, something's came up."

"Wait what about our plan for this weekend you promised us that you'd be here!" Sayori says sadly.

"I will I promise." Sirmileofours says and runs off in the opposite direction of the girls and you.

Sayori looks at you with tears welled in her eyes, "Can you go follow him and make sure he comes back?"

Monika nods at you agreeing with Sayori and sighs, "I'd hate to send you but Sayori's right, if one of us went after him we'd most likely do something drastic, but you know how to get through to him better than any of us, even Yuri." Monika says with a smile. "No offense Yuri."

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