Assassin's Club

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"So wait let me get this straight, after you girls watched all three of the John Wick movies you all want to become assassins?!" Sirmileofours asks

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"So wait let me get this straight, after you girls watched all three of the John Wick movies you all want to become assassins?!" Sirmileofours asks.

"Yep!" Sayori says and smiles.

"Monika, you're okay with this?!" Sirmileofours asks.

"Mhm." Monika says with a smile, "Besides we're including the two of you with us, that way us girls are protected, come to think of it we could be more like Charlie's Angels."

"I don't know about this, it sounds dangerous." Sirmileofours says.

"Says the one that has fought some of the other clubs for making fun of us all at once." Natsuki says.

Yuri giggles as Sirmileofours turns red, "Sirmileofours, it's okay, besides I've been wanting to use some of the assassin books I've read about to good use!" Yuri says.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Sirmileofours asks you.

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