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Two years, over 70,000 words, 170,000 reads, 6,000 votes, and 2,500 comments, multiple cliffhangers, and much waiting, it is now all over.

Firstly, I literally cannot believe I am even writing this. After two years of writing this story, it's actually finished. I have spent so much time on this story that it doesn't feel right for me to be finished, but somehow it is. I still have a lot of editing to do, especially the first half of the story *cringes at bad writing*, but just knowing that I don't actually have anything else to add to this work, is a crazy and completely unknown feeling for me. I've always sucked at finishing stories, and honestly I thought about giving up on this one several times throughout these past years. I'm glad I didn't though, even if there's still a lot of work that needs to be done before it's anything close to what I want it to be, I'm still so proud of myself for making it through to the end. I have a few people I want to thank, and I'll try and keep it short and sweet, but you know how these things go sometimes.

My best friend on Wattpad, @rushoflove is the first person I need to thank. It's funny how we became friends from this story, and I'm so so glad we did. You have been always always been there when I needed someone to rant to or share small excerpts with, to encourage me to keep on writing or just when I needed a break from writing, you have been such a big support throughout this story. Thank you for being your hilarious, wonderful self, and one day when our stories get published I'm going to walking through a bookstore and our books are going to be sitting next to each other and it'll probably make me cry. (And if you aren't following this lovely lady yet, I highly recommend you do. Her writing is absolutely amazing and I wish I could write like she does.)

Next, each and every single person that has ever read this story, voted or commented, you are all the reasons that I am able to finish this story. Without the constant support and love from you guys, I honestly don't think I would have finished this.

To the ones that have been here from the very beginning, thank you for being so extremely patient with me and my updating. I know you all probably wanted to shoot me a few times (especially when I left a chapter on a cliff-hanger, which happened quite a lot...) due to my lack of updating for some months on end. But you stuck through it and I am so grateful for that.

And to the ones who have only just recently discovered this story, thank you and I hope you enjoyed it.

Seriously, I don't think I could ever ever thank you all enough for supporting my story and me right until the end. Even though this story is over, I hope you will continue to read my other works, such as The Advena Series (a fantasy series I'm super excited for) and any other stories I post in the future! I hope you give them as much great support as you have for this one. And hey, who knows? Maybe Ryan might get his own story one day... (;

Also, if a chapter has been dedicated to you, then thank you a little bit more. You have either been a lovely and kind person to me, have been a constant reader for a long time, or are just really great and I really like you a lot (or all of the above) <33333

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