Chapter Seven

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I was still trying to figure out if yesterday actually happened, or if it was all just a dream. I now had the slightest hope that Jace and I could actually have the relationship I had dreamt of since I was a young girl, but we were still very far off that. He was so different to the boy I had first met, and now I wasn't sure which one was the real him. 

"What's on your mind, Candy?" My mother asked, not taking her eyes off the road that stretched out in front of us.

We were on our way to meet Lucy to try on dresses for the wedding, as it was just over a week away. I was so honoured to be apart of the wedding, and I was beyond excited for it. There was only one thing that kept creeping into my mind, no matter how much I tried to push it away.

"It's about Jase. I still don't think he should be invited to the wedding," I sighed, which caught my mother by surprise.

"Why do you think that sweetie? He's your soul mate after all, and we're all so excited to meet him," she replied with a look of reassurance. 

I didn't bother replying to that, it was pointless trying to argue with my mother. She still didn't know what my first couple of encounters were like with Jase, and I really didn't want her to know either. I hated lying to her, but it was best left with her believing my relationship was just like her and my father's. Of course my hopes seemed to be higher than when we first met, but I knew Jase and I still had a long way to go before we could even be classed as 'love'. 

We pulled up next to a small bridal shop and I pushed all my previous thoughts to the back of my mind, before hopping out of the car and following mum into the shop. It was quite a small shop, and only Lucy, Patricia, Lucy's mother Louise, and an employee filled the store as we walked in. Lucy was as bubbly as ever; she had already found several dresses she wanted to try on. 

"Linda! Candy! I'm so happy you're here!" Lucy squealed as she ran over to us. She was so full of excitement, it reminded me of a child in a candy shop. 

She ran into one of the change rooms, dragging my mother and her own along behind her. Patricia gave me a small wave before disappearing behind the red velvet curtain where Lucy was. I started to walk around, skimming my fingers along the dresses that covered the walls of the small store. I knew we were supposed to be trying on bridesmaid dresses as well, but I didn't expect to be the one to choose what dress we were going to wear. 

The bell that hung over the door chimed then, as a short blonde-haired woman strutted in. I guessed she was the maid of honour, and Lucy's best friend. I had never met her before, but Lucy had mentioned her a few times at the wedding planning days she had organised. She was never there for them though, which I thought was a bit strange since she was the made of honour.

"Hi, you must be Lucy's best friend? I'm Candice," I smiled, receiving a small smile in return. 

"Hazel," she answered bluntly, before disappearing behind the curtain with the others. 

I sighed, and began to look through the endless supply of dresses. Some of them were hideous, and I just prayed that the other two girls wouldn't pick them to wear. Lucy wanted us to pick the bridesmaid dresses, but I knew that really meant that Hazel and Patricia were in charge of choosing the dress. 

"You two go find a bridesmaid dress! I don't want to waste anymore time!" I heard Lucy growl as Patricia and Hazel left the change room and began filing through dresses. I decided it was best if I stayed out of their way, my opinion wasn't needed anyway. I sat down on an elegant, velvet-covered sofa with gold framing. Although it was appealing to look at, it wasn't very comfortable.

I wasn't sure how long I had been sitting there, but I must have been off in my own little world because all of a sudden I heard screams come from the change room beside the one Lucy was in. Hazel stormed out of the change room wearing a funky green silk gown with a long cut that reached up to her mid thigh and a very low 'v' that showed off her quite obvious fake breasts. Patricia came out then, wearing something the complete opposite. She had a red silk gown that hugged at her curves, but only went down to her knees. It had a straight neckline and then lace that went up her neck and down her arms, finishing at her tiny wrists.

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