Chapter Four

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000d, 001h, 000m, 000s

In exactly one hour, I was going to meet him. One hour, that's all that stood between us. After all this time, it was finally here. The day I had been waiting for my whole life. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't eat, and couldn't sleep. All I could think about was him. Although it was quite a struggle as I had no face or name to think about. All I could do was imagine what he would be like, which is all I'd been doing lately.

School so far couldn't have droned on for any longer; I felt myself getting impatient as each class went on. I couldn't focus in any of them; nothing was getting through to me. I spent most of my classes in my own little world, apart from when Claire had to snap me out of it or get my attention, which was almost every five minutes. I found myself watching the seconds tick down in math class, my heart beating a little faster as the minute dropped as well. This stupid thing was driving me insane, and I couldn't wait until it was bare.

The school bell sounded, which brought me out of another daydream, but it meant that it was lunch time. I kept wondering where we were going to meet; maybe he was already at this school? I wasn't sure what or how it was going to happen, but most people say your Timekeeper controls your body and takes you to your soul mate. I always thought that was crazy; how could a little piece of metal on your wrist control you like that? Well I did think it was crazy, until I noticed I had walked out of the school gates and was heading towards the city. I could hear a familiar high-pitched voice yell from behind me, but I couldn't turn around. I was physically unable to control my own body, but the Timekeeper could.

"Candice! Candice where on earth are you going!" Claire puffed as she caught up to me, holding her hands on her hips.

"I have no idea Claire, it's the Timekeeper!" I replied nervously, almost forgetting how to speak. Well maybe that was in the Timekeeper's control as well, it seemed to be controlling everything else.

"What? Already? Oh my god Candy!" She squealed, as she turned on her heels to make her way back to the school grounds, "You better tell me all about it tonight okay?"
But before I could reply she was off, leaving me alone with no idea where I was going.

* * *

The city was busy, but not as busy as a city usually is, so this was unusual. I didn't come into the city very often, but now I wondered if this is where my soul mate lived, and maybe I would have to come here more frequently. It wasn't like it was a really long walk from my house, only about fifteen minutes maybe? But walking was quite exhausting; I just wanted my feet to stop for a second. As if I had triggered something in my body, my feet stopped moving. My heart skipped a beat. I checked my wrist, but I still had half an hour and felt quite hungry now. I didn't even get to eat lunch at school, and my Timekeeper seemed determined to get me to this spot on time, or half an hour early by the looks of things.

I took a look around, but everyone on the street was busy walking and talking or rushing to get somewhere. He wasn't here, so why had my feet stopped all of a sudden? Did I make them stop? Maybe I could make them go again, but go where? I was so confused, which added to the list of other moods and emotions I felt. What if my Timekeeper couldn't find him? What was I supposed to do then? All these questions rushed through my head and I could feel a headache coming on. I had to stop over thinking this; everything was going to be alright. As if on queue, my feet began to move again.

I could feel myself smiling; maybe everything was going to turn out alright after all.
No more negative thoughts Candice, I told myself, hoping it would create a wall inside my head to keep those thoughts contained. I only had fifteen minutes to go now, and I could feel my nerves really kick in. I think if I was to stop and I stood completely still, my whole body would shake like one of those Chihuahua dogs. I wonder if he would be feeling the same way right now? If he was as excited to see me, as I was to see him.

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