Harry Backpain - Request

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a/n first request yay, also I got a little carried away with this. 1500+ words everyone xx

Harry POV

Harry knew that is was going to be a long day from the moment that He openend his eyes from his sleep in his bunk. He immediately felt pain.

The pain was in the lower area of his back, burning up his spine.

You see, Harry had back pains quiet frequently, which are the bad days. He went to the doctors a few times but they didn't really know what was wrong with him?
He always felt it more after a long day of rehearsals and stuff, and if they had possibly 2 concerts a day, the day before. Luckily that didn't happy much.

Today was a bad day. The pain was flairing up his little disks in his spine.

He groaned and makes an effort to get out of the bunk. The pain however didn't go away after a few stretches that normally would relief the uncomfortableness in his back.

He made his way to the others out front. He was not stupid, he knew he limped quiet bad. But still he made the decision to just ignore it and to not tell the other lads.

"GoodMorning" he smiled to the others.
"Hey H" Lou said, already making him a tea.
Zayn and Niall were asleep which was quiet odd normally for Niall at least. But he was sick yesterday so Liam decided to let him sleep in a little this morning. Since we couldn't have a day off. I heard shuffling in the back which probably means that zayn was also finally awake.
Liam came walking in not a minute later with some bag with bread, that the bus driver got from a nearby shop around the corner.

"Hey Lou, and hey Harry" Liam said kindly.
"What do we got this time payno?" Lou asked.
"We got some croissants and soft breads."
"Nice one there" Lou said back, his hand already making his way to the bag to grab something out of it.
"Has anyone checked on Niall yet?" Liam then asked next.
"He was still asleep when I got out." Lou said.
"Alright, I go check on him then." Liam said, already making his way down the bus.
Zayn came walking in at that exact moment "Hey" he said lightly, obviously not fully awake yet.
I made an effort to the bag with the bread, so I stretched my arm out to it, however the very moment I did that, all I felt was pain in my back. Scrunching my face up, with a quiet hiss, taking my arm back.

"What's wrong H?" Lou asked, fully facing me, his voice full of concern. Zayn now also looked at me, trying to figure it out.
"Nothing" I said, trying to convince myself more at this point.
"We're not stupid, you were in pain." Lou said.
"Is it your back?" Zayn then said next.
"No.. well maybe"
"What do you mean maybe?" Zayn asked back.
"Jus maybe"
"If it is your back, then just say so, so we can help you out today. Its not wrong to have a bad day once in a while." Lou said, face softening. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Zayn nodding along.

And If on que, Liam and Niall walked back in. Liam his arm was around niall's middle, Niall leaning heavily in his side. The poor lad looked as white and pale as a ghost. Niall went to sit in between Zayn and Liam his original seat.
"He isn't doing any better than?" Lou asked to Liam.
Liam simply shook his head, already making him a toast that would settle easy on his stomach.

"Well that's one problem, we got another" Zayn said.
"What do you mean another?" Liam said back quiet confused.
"Harry his back is acting up today"
"Is that true H?" Liam said, concerned.
I nodded back ashamed.
"Alright, Well I'm sorry to disappoint you H, but we got an interview first in a few hours and then we got the last rehearsal for the concert tomorrow" Liam said.
"Are you going to be okay?" Niall said in an quiet voice, almost Whispering.
And of course Niall would rather think about me in stead of his own health.

"Yeah I'll be okay, let's just get this be over with it." I said firm back.
I knew that they wanted to argue with me on this but they decided to not to.


The pain wasn't any less during this radio interview, and of course we had to stand during this exact one. Niall was still back at the bus, Management decided that he could skip the interview but he still had to attend the rehearsal.

The interviewer was really nice for a change, she asked questions that we hadn't really heard before, where we really needed too think about the answers we would give back.

I rested my hand on my lower back, hoping that it would subside the pain a little, newsflash it didn't.

I saw Liam looking concerned to me, before he leaned in my ear and whispered "you okay?"
"No" I said back, voice a little strained.
I needed to sit down, only if it was just for a few minutes. I needed the pain to stop just for a moments.

Finally after what felt a hundred years, the interviewster called it quits.

We made our way out the room, Lou and me walking in front of the others, halfway down the stairs, I stopped.
I felt an hand on my back, I looked around and saw Lou standing there.
"Let's sit down a few minutes on these stairs okay." He said.
I simply complied to what he said, and sat down carefully with a groan.

The other lads came towards almost immediately.
I closed my eyes for a bit, hand on my forehead.
"You okay?" I heard Liam saying.
"Mmhm" I hummed back.

After a few minutes of the little break, they helped me stand back up, I hissed for a moment.

"You sure that you are able to do the rehearsal mate? We can still try and get you out of it?" Zayn said then, after observing me for a little bit.
"No, I'll be okay. Just a few more hours" I said back, voice a little strained.


Rehearsal was a bad idea. Everyone had there doubts, maybe I should have listened to them.

I didn't even know how many songs had passed yet, but it felt like it would never end.
Everyone could see that I was limping now. I took some painkillers earlier today just after the interview, to see if they could help any. But they worked out now I guess, because the pain came back stronger.

I had to sit down, luckily our next was little things to rehearsal.
Sitting down on the ramp, somewhere in the middle. I switched places with Liam real quick, I couldn't even make my way up top.

And poor Niall was already back at the bus after just 3 songs.

My notes came out strained and flat at this moment, I wasn't even trying anymore.

I laid my microphone beside me, and covered my head in my hands.
I heard somebody shouting something around me, but I couldn't care less, all I could focus on was the pain in my spine. It was like an flame slowly burning up, and destroying everything on its path.

I felt hands on my shoulders and knees, I didn't dare to look up though.

Louis POV

I knew that he needed to sit out, he looked like he was getting worse with the moment.

The moment he crumbled, we all practically leaped towards him.
He didn't respond to us, he didn't even knowledge us.

He finally looked up, his eyes were glossy. He sniffed and took a deep breath.
"Alright woah mate, you are going back to the bus" Liam said.
"Let's get you up. You are going to be okay, lean on me if you have to H" I said.
We all slowly stood him up, and helped him down the few stairs that were still left.

"We are going back to the bus, he can't go on any longer than this." Liam said.
Paul them came rushing back in the room, hearing all the commotion, he walked up the stage to Harry.
"Harry, I just came back from some meeting, what were you even thinking mate?" He said.
He simply shrugged.
"Right, Louis please get him back to the bus in one piece and give him some more painkillers. Rehearsals are over, get all some rest for tomorrow."
He said.
Liam and zayn nodded who were now standing beside us.
"Alright Lets go H, slow and easy." I said, guiding him out of the arena. I never got an answer back from him, only a simple nod, while he was biting his lip. He was leaning heavenly in my side, every step was taken with caution.

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