Niall Overworked

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a/n got this idea in the middle of the night, it's very badly written, I am so sorry. I didn't know how to end this and its just ugh.
Maybe deleting this later, to write it again for a second time.

Almost time for Harry his album, of course very exited :))

Got some new requests, very exited to write those<3

Niall POV

Tired seemed one of the only words too describe it.
Feeling empty, every day watching the day go by, very slowly.
Till it was morning again, and do the same exact thing again.

I was getting less and less sleep than the others, the writing sessions that I've done so far over the last couple of weeks, just wouldn't work out.
And I hated it, everyone in the band wrote better and were faster. And I seemed to just be stuck on the same page that I started with.

There was no inspiration whatsoever. It would really help too have any.

Nothing helped, sitting outside, walking around a bit, going to those beautiful places, even locking myself up in my room for hours didn't seem to help at all.

The lads were all really supportive, I mean how could they not. They were stuck with me.

"Hey nialler, you come with us to Mc Donalds for some food?" Louis asked, waking up to him.
Niall was sat at the little table of the bus, notebook and pencil in his hand, grabbing it tightly.
"You go ahead, I have to finish this" I mumbled, not even looking up.
"Maybe it's a good idea to take break?" He asked carefully.
"No, I can't"
"You can, you've been sitting around staring at that white page for ages. Just at least if you don't wanna get food, please take a breather outside. Without a notebook or pencil with Ya would you." He said, looking me deep in the eyes. His eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
I nodded back at him, knowing that he would just walk away, so I can try to get anything on this page when he was out of sight.

The door closed of the tour bus, the lads all went together, So I was completely alone.
My phone lighted up from beside me, taking a glance at it, seeing that I got a text message from someone from management.
I sighed of course, they would be up my ass.
I was given 2 weeks to write some songs, that didn't really work out, now did it.
Looking at the text, 'we want the songs done over 2 days, or we want to at least see something on some paper. Even if it just a few versus'
Putting my head in my hands, groaning to myself silently.
There is just no way.


The lads were all asleep in the bunks. But I was still sitting with that damn notebook in my hand. Starting blankly at the wall.
It was already 01:00, I said that I was just gonna grab some water and then I would come back to sleep. Obviously that was a lie. I Sneaked out half a hour later after everyone was Sound asleep.

My hand rubbing my temple softly, a slight headache was beginning to form. Sighing, my eyes blinking to even stay awake.

We only had an rehearsal tomorrow, I don't know yet how I'm going to be able to do the 'dances' and stuff but we will see.

Liam POV

When I woke up, by the sound of alarm, checking the time and see that we had still an hour to get ready. Standing up and stretching a bit before waking up the others in the usual order.

I frowned when I pulled the certain and seeing that Niall was nowhere to be seen. Figuring that he must be gone to the toilet or something.

That idea was quickly of the table, when I walked into the main room of the tour bus.
There was Niall asleep on the chair, head resting on his arms on the table. An pencil and notebook right in front of him. I saw some words written on it, but this wasn't good.

I shook him slightly, only getting an groan in response.
Until his head whipped up, looking around him in an daze. A little disoriented before his eyes landed on mine.
"You okay?" I asked in concern for the Irish fellah.
"I don't know, I mean yes I think" he said slowly.
"You don't look to good, I think your really overdoing this while writing thing mate" I said, taking a seat beside him.
"No no I'm good, everything's fine" he said, rubbing his temple frustrated.
My hand immediately felt his forehead, sighing when I felt a slight fever coming up.
"You got a slight fever, does anything hurt?" I asked gently.
"Headache" he whispered back.
"I'll go get some meds" I said, already standing up, and walking to the nearby cabinet in the kitchen area.
Smiling when I saw Harry and Louis making tea, both playfully fighting over the cups.

"Hey Payno" Louis said.
"Hey li" Harry said right after.
"Hey lads, I found Niall asleep on the chair. He has a slight fever coming up and he says that he has a headache."
"Really, he fell asleep"
"Yeah his notebook and everything scattered in front of him"
"I'm worried"
"Same, I don't think he gets enough sleep if he even gets any." I stated.
"Well what's the plan?"
"I was going to bring him some medicine for the headache, but I think we need an talk to him about all of this."
"Yeah sure of course"
"Meet up in five?"
"Yeah sounds good"


We had to be at soundcheck in half a hour but our main focus right now was Niall. And getting whatever's bothering him out off him.
"So, I think you know why were all here?" I asked gently.
He hummed in response, looking at his shoes on the ground.
"We noticed your lack of sleep and eating, we noticed that your always in that notebook. But you have to know that what your doing right now isn't healthy, it isn't healthy for your body. We can all see that your drained."
"Why Li try's to say is that we care about you a lot, and we really like to know what is bothering you because this isn't you. You wouldn't give a crap about who writes the songs and how many." Louis said chirping in the conversation.
"Sorry" he mumbled quietly.
"No need to be sorry, we just wanna be here for you" Harry said, voice very soft.
"It's just, management said some things and-"
"For fuck sakes" Louis said cutting Niall off.
"Louis" I hissed, giving him a death stare.
"No this all is bullshit, since when do you listen to management" Louis continued.
Niall shrugged his shoulders, still not daring to look any of us in the eyes.
"Ni, can you look at me for a sec" I asked gently.
And that's when he looked up and I saw his eyes.
"Oh Ni" And god his eyes, they were no longer that shiny shade of blue, they were dull and lifeless. I saw his eyes watering, trying to keep the tears inside. He was so done and tired, he looked almost dead to be honest.
Its an miracle that he hasn't fainted on us yet or something like that.
"We'll get you trough this, but you have to stop writing for a bit Yeah"
He nodded back.
"Good, Well first step is some food, so let's get some breakfast in you" I said, standing up, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze on the way.

When I came back with food, I saw Niall sitting in between Lou and Harry on the couch in front of the television. His head was laying on Harry his shoulder, tiredly looking at some show that was on.

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