Louis Seizure

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a/n I did my best to make this as real as possible, just know that things could still be wrong. I am not an expert in it, nor do I know anyone who has epilepsy. This is just me writing from what I saw on the internet. Please be kind if anything is wrong. <3

Secondly, I finally saw Louis for the first time ever on tour a few days ago and it was the best thing ever. Like not even kidding, everyone was so kind to each other! It also was like my first concert I got to go to. So what could be a more perfect start of a concert journey than starting with Louis? Anyways post concert depression is already hitting, how are you guys?? :)


No body liked to use the word epilepsy. Louis had it since he was a kid, had multiple seizures ever since then. He got the right medication for it, but it is not like the seizures completely stopped. The medication only takes care of a certain amount of seizures. The rest he still has to suffer through.

It has been a while since he had one. So it was a surprise to anyone when Louis suddenly begun to sat down during rehearsals for the upcoming tour. It wasn't what they were supposed to do during the song. So Liam being closest to him, laid a hand on his back, "are you alright?" He asked, concerned. By now everyone who was there, looked at the two. Louis shot a confused look towards Liam. "You think you are going to have a seizure?" Liam asked quietly, now squatting besides him.

"I don't..-" Louis tried to say but soon the words drowned out. "Okay uhm.." Liam signaled to the other people watching them do the geography that something was wrong. Paul immediately got on stage and walked over to the pair. Now Harry, Niall and Zayn also walked in their direction. The music got cut off, leaving them in a silent room.

"What's wrong Liam?" Paul asks as soon as he got close enough. "I think he is going to have a seizure Paul.. he suddenly sat down and he can't get out of his words.." he answered. Paul his eyes shifted to Louis his form. "Okay let's just all calm down for a second. Louis I want you to go lay down yeah.. it's a lot safer if you do end up having a seizure.." Paul instructed. When Louis didn't move one bit, Paul helped him into a laying position. His eyes were slowly shifting from one face to another. Everything seemed so confusing around him. It was like he doesn't even know where he was anymore.

"Okay Lou, I want you to focus on me and take some deep breaths if you can okay. It will be okay. Just let yourself go if you need to yeah.." Paul said. Louis eyes begun to slightly glaze over, starting at nothing in particular. "Okay I think you are about to go.." as soon as the words left Paul his mouth he started shaking. His arms and legs jerking in movements that couldn't be controlled. They all knew not to touch him and to just wait it out.

Luckily Louis his seizures were never really that violent. Paul took of his jacket and laid it under Louis his head to soften the fall of his head a bit. Immediately looking at his watch to see when it first started. "Does anyone know if he had taken his medication?" Paul asked, now looking up at the the other boys who stood there helplessly watching their fellow band mate and best friend. "Yeah.. I saw him taking it this morning." Harry replied shaky. "Okay that's good. You okay their Niall?" Paul asked, his eyes shifting to the blond. Niall nodded, biting his bottom lip, eyes glued to Louis. Zayn laid a shaky hand on his back to try and calm his nerves down. Paul send a smile Zayn his way in reassurance, as a small thank you.

Looking at his watch again, 2 minutes has passed since the start of the seizure. His movements were already slowing down. A sign that the end was coming. "Your doing good Lou, almost done now.." he muttered more to himself then to him. He was never really is sure if Louis could really hear him or not.

Finally at the two and half minute mark his body stopped shaking and jerking. His body completely relaxing, Laying almost motionless on the cold ground. Only some small tremors left. Paul was quick to lay him into recovery position. "Very well Lou. Time to wake up now if you can.. The boys are all here to help.." Paul said to him.

Looking at them, waiting for them to say something also, encouraging him to wake up. They seemed to get the memo as Harry begun to speak "yeah we are here, you did really well.."
"Proud of you Lou.." Niall silently spoke.
"Come on Lou, try and wake up for us.." Zayn said.
"It would be a relief if we see those blue eyes once more.." Liam spoke.

A groan left Louis his lips, slowly opening his eyes. "Very good Lou.. you just had a seizure but you are okay now. Everything went well, try and wake up a bit more for us yeah.." Paul spoke to him.

To Louis everything seemed hazy, his seizures always left him in a confused state of mind. He recognized a few voices, his sight was still a bit blurry. "Sei..-" he tried to talk but his mouth and speech just wouldn't work. "Yeah you had a seizure, but it's over now yeah.."

"Do you have some pain anywhere?" "He.. he.. d.. ac.." Louis tried to answer. "You have a headache?" Paul asked. He nodded back muttering something after. "What was that? Say that again for me.."
"Ti-... rd" "It is understandable if you're tired mate, you put your body through a bit of a work out just now." Liam said.

"I think rehearsals are over for you mister. Let's get you back to your hotel room, so you can proper recover yeah?" Paul said. Louis lips formed a small smile. Paul helped him sit up, Louis hand clutched his arm, feeling a bit fatigued.

"What are we going to do Paul?" Harry asked. "I am afraid that you still have to finish the rehearsal Harry. There is not much I can do about that unfortunately. But I know that there are only like three more songs for you guys to practice. So give and take 30 minutes and you can come also to the hotel rooms yeah..?" Paul said. Harry nodded "yeah okay. See ya in 30 minutes Lou.." "yeah see ya Lou.."

Paul helped him stand up, he was still quiet a bit confused but nonetheless letting him be guided away to a saver space where he could rest.

a/n wrote this within an hour, it all flowed right out of me. Please note that I didn't forget about your requests, they are being written, just at a slower pace. Have a good day <3

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