Harry Fainted

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a/n it's been so long so sorry, thanks for being so patient with me xx

Anyways I also have been busy with writing 'searching for a home'. I would love it if you'll would check it out if you have time.

Harry POV

I felt lightheaded the whole day already. I hadn't told anyone because we had a busy day ahead of us. But now the clock turned 5. And the affect of pushing trough the whole morning and most of the afternoon seemed to finally catch up to me.

"Harry mate?" Liam his voice came through. I shook my head a bit, trying to clear the fuzziness out of my head. I blinked a few times, looking at where his voice seemed to come from.

"We need to go, Lou needs to do our hair, the concert will start soon." He informed me. I was just watching him with curious eyes. They weren't sparking green anymore. They were dull green and tired looking.

"Oh dear, your hair is a mess." Lou muttered as she saw me approaching.
"Thanks.." I chuckled. "No offense, but you look pale and overall sick today. Is something wrong?" She asked me.

And for a moment I debated what I should tell her? Should I tell the truth or should I just go against that and lie to her face. What would be the best option. She will probably tell people if i did say that I wasn't feeling the greatest.

I kept feeling worse and worse with the minutes passing by. My lips moved into talking the answer before my brain had any influence on it.
"Feel weird.." I was sure that my words slightly slurred. That did nothing to soothe Lou her nerves.

"Like your sick or...?"
"Dunno.." I answered with all honesty because I truly didn't know.
Lou called for Liam who was standing in the hallway waiting for his turn, he was messing with Louis who was also waiting for his turn. His hair was all over the place, looking like he just woke up from a 20 hour nap.

Liam came walking in with Louis hot on his tail, laughing and giggling. Until they were met with the very worried eyes from Lou. Instantly all sound died out.

I was blinking slowly, my head began to ache.
"What's wrong?" Liam asked slowly, looking between Lou and Harry who was still sat in her chair.

"Harry is feeling weird he says.?" Lou said, turning to me again. "Is that true?" Liam asked me.
I nodded back at him, not being able to find my voice.

"Throw up sick or something else?" He asked me.
I didn't answer and tried to drown out the ache in my head. "Have a headache to.." I murmured after some time.
All three of them looked concerned at me.

"Maybe we should just get you something to drink? Some water maybe and let's sit you down on the couch." Liam said. Taking control over the situation.

However I felt a head rush when I stood up. Black spots danced around in my vision. I was pretty sure that I was swaying a bit of my feet, feeling very unsteady. Shaky legs.
"Wow H?" Liam said, holding me steady. Louis came to the other side of me. A hand on my back.

"I am gonna faint.." I mumbled. My limps felt weak, like they aren't even mine.
"Your what..." Louis asked, worry in his voice. He never handled situations like this well.

Thats was the last thing I heard before all sound drowned out. I let myself slip into the darkness.

Liam POV

Harry suddenly felt limp in both mine and Louis his grip. Louis looked at me with panicked eyes.
"It's Alright Lou, Lets lay him down, his legs and feet up." I informed him.

Louis did as told and helped me with him.
"Why Isn't he waking up?" He asked frankly. "He's Alright Louis, he just needs some time okay." I informed him.

I needed to not only keep his nerves calm but also mine. I saw Harry his eyelids flutter before they were blinking up to us slowly. He had a frown on his face, obviously still in a daze.

"Your okay H, you just fainted, take it easy for a few minutes."
"How do you feel?" Louis asked.
"Feel.. dizzy.." he said back slowly.
"That's alright, take your time."

"Want some water?"
Harry nodded and sat up a bit with his elbows on the pillows. Till he eventually sat in a sitting position. He took the water bottle with shaky hands from Louis.

"Slow sips." I reminded him.
We watched him carefully. "What happend?" Louis finally asked. The question we all held inside for so long.
"Felt bad since this morning, like I was kind of floating and light headed. Just worked through it I guess. Wasn't the best decision." Harry said slowly. He sat the water bottle aside and put his head in his hands. Taking a few deep breaths.

"Maybe you should sit this concert out?" Lou said from where she was in the corner. I completely forgot that she was also still here in the room with us. Her eyes didn't meet mine though, they were locked on Harry's hunched over figure.

"Dunno." He said back. Or more like mumbled back.
"Keep feeling dizzy." He said right after.

Louis and I locked eyes. This was bad.

"Harry I am no doctor, but please sit this concert out." I said crouching down in front of him. He locked eyes with me and nodded absently.

"Let's lay you down, maybe you just need to catch on to some missed sleep hmm."
"Maybe.." Harry whimpered.

He was out like a light within seconds. The frown on his forehead never left. It stayed there right until he would wake up.
I let out a silent breath I didn't know I was holding.

"So what now?" Louis asked or more like wondered out loud.
"We just do this concert without him, inform everyone and see what happens when we get back, how he feels!" I said sighing.
Louis nodded with me, agreeing.

We both really hoped that we did the right thing and that he would wake up feeling better instead of worse. Only time would tell.

One direction Sick&Hurt ficsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora