Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident - Request

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a/n a special thanks to the person who requested this. <3

I was also meant to post this way earlier, but some things went into the way off that at home. Again sorry. Hope this is what you had in mind? <33 Part 2 coming soon promise, writing the last finishing touches, but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer.


3rd person POV

Maybe Harry knew that it was going to end up being a bad day? Maybe they both knew as soon as they stepped into the car. Niall behind the wheel, Harry in the passenger seat. They were both expected in the studio in half a hour, they would meet up with the other boys there.

It was the feeling when you know something bad was just going to happen, you just didn't know when. Harry looked over to Niall "Well I am looking forward to getting a good writing session again.."    Niall nodded "yeah me too mate, been too long."

And it was true, it has been too long. They just finished a big tour, the biggest yet. And they just had a talk with management about a possible stadium tour next. Which sounded absolutely bizarre. But before that could ever happen, there has to be a new album. They need new songs to sing for that to be ever true.

Today was the first writing session they had in months. So they all were meeting up in the studio, going to write in groups. One of two and one of three, and then after some time they would join each other again and talk it over what they both got. It was the method they usually used for these kind of things, it was the easiest.

"You know, I really missed us just hanging out. I mean sure we hang out on tour and stuff and we still have to like work right now in order for the album you know what I mean?"      "Yeah I know mate, it just sounds a lot more relaxed.." Niall replied, his eyes focused on the road.

They still had a thirty minute drive to complete. Harry his phone rung. "Yeah... yeah no we will be there in thirty minutes according to the navigation. Yeah... see you.. okay I will bye.."
Niall only heard Harry's replied to the other end. He looked over quickly "who was that?"
"Just Liam being up our asses again. Wanting to know if we were even already out of bed and coming. According to him, Paul is already there with the record people. And he also said that they are already almost there." "Almost there. Seriously. Zayn was on time?" Niall fake gasped. Harry shook his head fondly. "It appears so..." he grinned.

It was a beautiful day they both believed. They didn't know why the people above chose this exact day for it. Why they would chose the day where finally the sun was shining again after all the rainy days. All they knew was that they knew the exact moment things started to go wrong. The panicked feeling, where everything started to go in slow motion. They both felt it but neither said it.

A car was coming at them at full speed, Niall tried to swerve around it the last minute, but it didn't matter anymore. They were both driving too fast. "NIALL WATCH OUT.." Harry yelled, but the sound had drowned out halfway. He was not even sure if Niall hurt him. His eyes closed, hearing the tires screeching. The car Finally coming to a halt in the grass besides the road. The other car was flipped upside down. Other cars were stopping, to try and help. Some calling the emergency services.

Harry opened his eyes, everything was hurting. It felt like he possibly broke every bone in his body. He hissed when he tried and move around a bit. He looked to his left, Niall was slumped over the steering wheel, a blood trickle from his temple going down his cheek. His eyes closed, breathing irregular. "Ni..? Niall..?" Harry managed to get out from his lips.

The car door was opened at Harry's side of the car. A pair of strangers eyes looking at him with worry. That was the moment Harry truly realized that they were both screwed. And that neither of them would be okay for a long while.

''An ambulance is being called, how are you both doing?'' A voice spoke. ''My... My friend...-'' Harry said with great difficulty. His world almost fading to black when the same perosn shook his shoulder, demanding to him to stay awake.


The call about the accident came not much later. Paul walked in to the studio where Liam, Zayn and Louis were still waiting on their two friends. ''Are they finally almost here?'' Liam sighed, when he saw Paul walking into the room. However he stopped talking as soon as he saw Paul his face, it was full of sadness and sorrow. ''What happend.?'' Louis asked, also noticing.

''I just recieved some terribble news. Harry and Niall have been involved in a car accident. I don't really know much more, only that they both have been transported to the nearest hospital.. The other driver, the one who came at them, has been pronounced dead at the scene... '' Paul spoke, choosing his words carefully.

''This is no joke Paul, are you serious?'' Louis said, but the look on Pual his face said enough, he was dead serious. ''Well he have to go to the hospital now..'' Zayn insisted. ''We are, our lift should be here in a minute.. I am sorry that I don't have better news.'' Paul apolgized.

''It is all my fault..'' Liam murmered silently to himself. ''What lad? what did you say?'' Louis asked confused. ''It is all my fault, i called them, i was on their asses, i was keeping their attention off the road..'' Liam said clearly. ''Liam no it was not your fault. You already had hung up on them when it happend, you are not to blame for this. Blame that stupid other reckless driver..'' Louis said, taking Liam in for a much needed hug.


Everything hurt when he opened his eyes again. He hadn't even realized that he had closed them at some point. He noticed that he must be in a hospital, everything was white and it smelled steril all around him. He blinked against the harsh light. Looking to his left, a nurse was busy folsing soemthing besdie his bed. A slight grunt escaped his lips. The nurse looked over to him with a warm smile on her face. ''Welcome back to the real world..'' She said.

''Am i in a hospital?'' Harry asked very slowly. Why was he here and what had happend? ''Yes you are darling, can you remember what had happend?'' She asked. ''I was in a car with.... with.. I don't know..'' Harry murmered, he still felt hazy. ''You were in a car accident yesterday with your friend. You seemed to had a good banger to your head. It is normal to have a headache or some memory loss. We are going to take some scans first, and them I am sure there a few poeple who are most likely really wanting to see you. They didn't leave once.'' She told him. Harry blinked lazy towards her, nodding.


"Can we come in and see him?" Liam straight away asked, while he stood up when he saw the nurse walking out of the room. "Yeah you can, just be aware he may look scary with the hospital stuff going on around him. He has quiet a bad concussion, so please be careful and a bit quiet for his head. He may not remember some stuff, but that is all temporarily. He was very lucky. Just be patient with him.. if there's anything going on or anything that he or some of you need, just press the call button besides his bed. If not, then I will see you all at his regular check up hour." she answered him before walking off.

"Well that was a lot, let's just walk in yeah?" Louis said, now standing beside Liam. "Any word on Niall yet?" Zayn asked Paul. "Not yet no... they said he still being operated on, but I will come with updates as soon as I know something okay..?"

"Yeah okay.." Zayn released a deep breath.

Louis opened the door and looked at his now hurt band mate. Harry his eyes opened, giving a slow smile. "I am so glad you are okay haz.." Louis said, stepping fully in the room, so the rest can come in too. "Yeah second hand that.." Zayn said.

Liam stood at the foot off the bed, looking him over. "What happend?" Harry asked, his voice rocky.
"An car accident remember..." Louis said cheerily, but soon his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the confused look on Harry his face. Zayn laid a hand on Louis his arm. "Remember this is what the nurse explained to us.." he whispered in Louis his ear. Louis could only nod.

"Well ima go ahead and check once more if there is any more news on Niall. You boys will be okay for a few minutes right?" Paul asked after 10 minutes passed, relatively in silence. "Yeah.. go ahead." Louis replied. Liam nodded. Louis and Liam were held out of the there trance, watching how Paul closed the door behind him, "What's wrong Harry..? You in pain or.." Zayn asked.

They both looked at the direction that he was looking, Harry his eyes were clouded over and he was looking very confused.
"Who is Niall..?" He asked softly, full of curiosity.

See you all at the second part...

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