Niall Stomach bug

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a/n Have a wonderful day xx

Its been a while I know, I am so sorry. Life happend I guess. Again very sorry.
Its shorter but I need to find my way back in writing, bare with me :) I do however really liked how this turned out. You can leave requests if you want.

3rd person POV

It was the day that the boys would figure some more stuff out for the songs they were working on. Making them as prefect as possible. Everything's going great and everyone was hyped.

They worked hard on the new songs, and wrote constantly new ideas and stuff. Right now they were all in the lounge, talking with each other.

"Yeah I get that, but what if we add some more drum there." Liam pointed out. Harry nodded agreeing. "Why shouldn't we just keep it simple?" Zayn said. "Yeah I think so too, the lyrics are simple and clear. So maybe we don't need all that extra stuff." Louis said.

Liam thought about it for a moment, then turned to Niall. "what do you think ni? You've been quiet all day."
"Hmm?" Niall hummed questionably. It shook him out of his trance that he seemed to have slipped in.

"Niall mate you okay? You look pale." Harry spoke out loud. "Yeah course I am alright.." Niall said. "You sure?" Harry asked once more. Niall nodded, he tried to keep the happy act up as long as he possibly could.

Truth is, Niall wasn't feeling alright. His stomach felt off from the moment he woke up. He felt nauseous all morning and therefore didn't ate his breakfast before meeting the other lads.

He was hungry, yes he had to admit that but he knew for a fact that he would throw up if he did end up eating.

He didn't even wanted to come in today, his bed sounded more then alright for a company for today. But no can do. He had to be here, his management wouldn't allow it. They wanted the album out as fast as possible. And they still had so much to figure out before the marked date.

So no, he couldn't afford to just lie in bed all day. He needed to help the other lads. Hoping to be done as fast as possible.

"If you say so ni, but please tell us if something is wrong yeah?" Harry said. Niall nodded back at him. "But what was the question again Li?" Niall said, remembering that Liam asked him one.
"To add more drums or to keep it simple.." Liam responded. "Definitely keep it simple I think.." Niall answered him.

"Ha I knew it, two against three. We won, we are keeping it simple." Louis mimicked happily. Liam was grinning while shaking his head.
Harry and Zayn laughed as well. Niall just smiled a simple smile in return.

"Okay so next point."
"Can't we have a small break first?" Louis whined to Liam. Liam sighed and looked at the clock. It was two o'clock, they have been here since early morning non stop working. "I suppose we can afford a small break." He replied.

"Great, who wants something to eat lads?" Louis asked with a smile. "I think we're all pretty hungry here Lou.." Zayn said chuckling.
"Well That's good because I am going to order something, what do we feel like?" Louis asked.

"Sushi?" Harry said immediately. "We ate that yesterday haz." Liam said chuckling. "And..?" Harry said, his lips pouting. "Not going to work this time haz.." Liam shook his head. Harry sighed, crossing his arms over each other, pretending to be hurt.

"Maybe Chinese? Its been a while." Zayn suggested. "Now that's a thought I like." Louis replied.
And so it happend, Louis orders Chinese, and it would be here in 20 minutes.

They mostly all sat on their phones, scrolling on Twitter. Watching the time tickle by. Finally someone from our security came walking in, behind him the delivery guy with the bag. "I believe this gentleman is here for you all?" The security guy said.
"That would be right." Louis said enthusiastically. "Well the food has been paid for, so here is your bag. Enjoy your day." The delivery guy said happily.
"Thanks mate, you too have a nice day." Liam said back.

Niall eyed the food suspiciously, the last thing he wanted was food in his system right now. But he at least had to eat something if he wanted to keep the act up.

He took a few cautious bites, he felt his stomach swirling inside of him. This was not going to end well. "Niall you alright?" Liam asked. "You look like your about to be sick." He continued.

Niall shook his head and stood up abruptly, he made dash to the nearest bathroom. He felt his lips water when he opened the door and sunk down in front of the toilet. He was immediately met with the Gags.

He felt a comforting hand on his back, but continued being sick. Niall was quiet surprised with how long he had gone without throwing up, he hadn't missed it one bit.

His throat felt sore when he could catch a break between heaves. "I knew that you weren't alright."
Niall recognized that voice as Liam's. "He good li?" Harry said, walking in to the bathroom as well.

"He's getting there, just trying to get his breath back now." Liam replied. Niall didn't have to guess to know that Louis and Zayn stayed behind, they never had the best stomach when it came to being sick.

"You okay now?" Liam asked after a minute of silence. Niall nodded, standing back up, walking to the sink. "Here some water." Harry said, handing him a bottle of water. Niall took it with shaky hands.
"Thanks." He muttered.
He closed it back after a few sips.

"Your stomach wasn't agreeing with the food was it?" Liam asked.
"No that's not it, I mean it's part of it." Niall mumbled. "What do you mean ni?" Harry asked, his eyebrows scrunched together. "I already woke up feeling sick. Think I caught a stomach bug.." Niall said in a hushed voice.

"Oh ni, you should have told us." Harry said. Liam
Nodded along. "We could have made you skip today." He continued.
Liam lay his hand on Niall his forehead and sighed when he felt a temperature. "Definitely a fever ni. You need to rest. Come on, we'll bring you home." Liam informed.
Niall shook his head stubbornly. "Can't, lou and Zayn are still there and we still need to do some things regarding the album." He mumbled.

"We will explain it to them mate, don't worry. The only thing we want right now is for you to get home and comfy in a bed." Harry said.
Niall didn't have the energy to argue anymore and simply nodded. Letting Liam and Harry help him guiding him to the car out back.

Niall dozed off during the ride back home. Feeling tired and achy. He hoped he could sleep this off within a few days.

Non edited - not looked over

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