Harry stomach pain during concert - Request

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a/n I wrote down many ideas for the following little stories, and thank you for the people who commented their ideas xx

I'm really happy with this one :)

Harry POV

Sharp pain was all I felt during the night, during breakfast, during my shower.

All the lads knew about it and tried to get me a day off or possibly two. But we all knew that it would fail, no way management were doing us a favor.

But nonetheless they were trying again, Louis and Liam went to them to see if I can at least skip an concert that we have tonight. Doubt that it will work though.

So when there was knocking on the door, my head and Niall his head immediately looked at the door. Liam and Louis stepped in with an expression on there faces that told me already enough. That little hope that I had somewhere in the back of my mind, completely vanished.

They were tired, I saw it. Louis probably started some argument up there as well, like he always does. He normally doesn't really act like the oldest, but when it comes to illness or something, then he is the most major one off us. Liam can only do so much.

"Sorry H we really tried." Liam said, hand on Louis his shoulder, you could tell that Louis was just as sad as Liam. Only his sadness was full with anger and irritation at the moment.
I nodded, "well lads thanks for trying" I said back, tone full of forgiveness and softness.
"This isn't right" Lou huffed and sat down in the chair opposite of the bed.
"There's nothing you could have done, they wouldn't let us" Liam tried to reason with him.
"Still stupid" he growled back.
"Lou-" Niall tried.
"No, this is all some stupid game to them, it's not okay, it's not." he said back in an harsh tone, to harsh, cutting Niall off.
Niall immediately went silent and started looking out of the window, clearly upset with what Louis had done.
A sigh escaped Liam his lips, watching all that just took place several moments ago. Trying to pick out his next move or saying.
"Guys" he suddenly said.
All heads went to him, waiting for him to continue.
"I know that this sucks, especially for you H, but we can't just sit around and argue with each other. That makes us just as bad as them. And Harry we will try and do our best during the concert, to help you out as much as possible. But if it really gets too bad, then just walk off stage for a few moments, to take a breather before returning." He said, eyeing all off us.
"Yeah okay I will" I said, smiling kindly back at Liam.
"Yeah, sorry for my anger" Lou whispered.
We all looked surprised to our left, normally he doesn't really admit it or even acknowledge it after.
"No probs Lou" Niall spoke next.
Louis nodded, still looking down at his shoes, like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I groaned feeling the pain flair up for a moment. My arms pressed around my middle, applying pressure. I don't even know why my stomach randomly started hurting, I figured that I must have eaten something bad, that wouldn't settle at all. Maybe it wasn't cooked right? Or maybe it was something else, all I knew was that it hurt, it hurt like hell.

"You okay H" Liam said after a moment, hand on my back, the other lads now also looking concerned to me and each other.
Nodding "yeah, just a little flair up I guess" shrugging it off like it was no big deal.
"If you say so" Liam said back gently, his hand still on my back.
"You want some water?" Niall asked.
"Yes please"
"Alright, wait up a minute" Niall said before walking away, getting an some water bottle most likely.
The water was held in front of me, "here" Niall said, watching me carefully.
I muttered a quiet 'thanks' back. Taking an sip, hoping that it would distract my stomach itself from the pain.


We were only just a couple songs in, when my stomach started hurting again. Putting the microphone behind my back. Scrunching my face up in anger, biting my lip, to not make any noise or some sort of groan.

The fans screamed at that, thinking that it was hot or something, but really they don't even know half off the story behind it.

I started walking to the other end of the stage, to the position that I was ordered to be at that moment off the song.

Looking at my left, Liam and Louis were doing some of their classic water fights. Running around and laughing like they were little kids again. Niall was singing his solo with his guitar in his hands.

My hand went up to my stomach, another pain cramp came up. Biting my lip till the point that I can taste blood.

At some point halfway trough the concert, every single one off the lads already asked me if I'm okay or something like that, offering me water and such.
I always nodded back at them en telling them I was alright, but really it wasn't.
The pain was getting stronger every time.

We still had some songs left but it really started to hurt now, Liam must have noticed, next thing I knew, I was being walked offstage.

Doubling over suddenly backstage, the pain taking basically over my body. Somebody was rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings, while I was trying to breath trough this the best I can.

"You alright H?" I heard an concerned voice asked, but it really sounded far away. Still doubled over, my hands now resting on my knees in stead off around my stomach.

I somehow nodded, because someone muttered a 'good' back.

I finally dared to look up, pain had passed for now. I was met with two pair off very concerned blue eyes.
Liam must have been standing behind me I thought to myself.

"You went kind off blank there or something, you were almost screaming from pain, but you weren't responding to any of us." Louis said.
Screaming? When?
"Sorry, the pain-, I just-" I tried to argue but my voice was cut off by Liam, "you don't have to apologize, you couldn't help it" smiling kindly at me.
"We should head back" Lou said, already wanting to walk away.
"And the concert?" I asked questionably.
"There were only one songs left mate" Liam said shrugging.
My mouth forming an O shape, nodding.
"It seems like you really need to sleep this whole thing off" Niall said, speaking for the first time since the little moment I had several minutes ago. His eyes were slightly glazed over, the panic obviously getting to him from moments ago.
"Yeah okay, I think that it might be a good idea" I said, taking a deep breath.
"Lets go, we've got you" Liam said, guiding me towards the bus, who would bring us to our next hotel nearby.

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