Harry Sick but others think he is faking

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a/n wrote this in the car, hope that it isn't as bad as I thought??

You can always comment ideas if you have any :))
And thanks for all the reads and votes btw, it really means a lot <3

Harry POV

I knew that I was sick from the moment that I stood up, looking in the mirror with flushed cheeks. Coughing in my fist, stomach hurting slightly. But not in an throwing up manner, maybe it evolves later on though.

I felt a slight headache coming along too, groaning silently to myself, today was going to be a very long day.

I felt sunny hot one minute and then freezing cold next, I decided to just wear an sweater today. So I should be good, no matter what.

"Harry you almost done? We have to leave." Louis said trough the door, knocking softly.
Opening the door coming face to face with him.
"I don't feel well Lou" I said, coughing into my elbow.
"We have no time for this haz" he sighed, sounding very annoyed.
"What?" I croaked.
"Like I said, we have a busy schedule today, no time for faking, let's go"
"But I'm really not feeling well" I tried to argue.
"Nope, not buying it" he said without glancing at me twice, already walking away to the others.

When I got to the van, I silently took a seat in between Niall and Liam. Zayn and Louis were sitting behind us. Talking about some shit I never would understood.

Groaning, feeling the headache already worsening.
"What's wrong has?" Liam asked concerned.
"Not feeling well" I said back very quietly.
I felt Louis snort in the back while he was searching something up on his phone.
"Symptoms?" Liam asked.
"Jus headache, cough, and slight stomach pain" I said, hoping he would at least believe me.
"Don't believe him Li" Louis said loudly from the backside.
"And why's that?" Liam asked back, turning around, so he could look Louis in his eyes. Waiting for explanation.
"He's faking" Louis bitterly said.
"Seriously haz" Liam said, turning back to me.
I sighed, this was going to be indeed an long day.

I laid my head on Niall his shoulder, he himself already asleep with his head against the window.

I was shook awake by Niall 20 minutes later, he also just woke up.
Looking around me, seeing that everyone was already out of the van. I felt awfully cold out of nowhere, shivering slightly.
"You okay?" Niall said.
I nodded back at him. His eyebrows furrowed, not really believing me.

When I got out of the car, we got led up to a room where the photo shoot was going to take place.

The lights were already bothering me, not feeling ready in the slightest for the next hour that we would be here.

After some photos, I was constantly being scolded by the photographer. I was so done with this day.

"Harry Please concentrate"
"Harry focus"
"Harry little more left"
"Smile Harry"
And the list goes on and on. None of the others were getting that much comments.

"Harry Please" Louis groaned. Hands scrubbing over his face, Obviously irritated with me.
"Its so hot" I said.
"That's because you are wearing a bloody sweater" Liam said back angrily.
They were done with me, they just wanted to go. And it's not there fault, we hadn't had a break in so long so everyone was on there last battery. Everyone was dead tired and grumpy.

When we were finally done, all the lads were mad at me, we were in here way longer then we were supposed to be. We were behind schedule now, Paul already had an phone call from management. And it wasn't a nice one.

And I got to hear all about it, when we got back in the van.
"Harry really this shit is getting out of hand."
"This act isn't working, just stop it"
"We all want an break, stop faking around"
Honestly, it was making me real mad. I felt a trickle in my throat, and soon it turned in an coughing fit.

"Harry Please" someone said Very annoyed.
I just shook my head, trying to stop the coughs.
Finally being able to catch a breath, closing my eyes, my head falling back against the head rest of the car.

"Why don't you all just believe me, I really feel like shit" I whispered back.
They all were glancing at each other, trying to figure out there next thing what they are going to say or act.
"I'm pretty sure that I have a fever, and we all know that you can't fake that" I groaned, opening my eyes, blinking a few times.

Liam his hand went to my forehead to feel for a temperature, quickly taking his hand back after just a second, face scrunching up.
He sighed "you indeed have one haz"  face full of concern and disappointment in mostly himself.
I hummed back in response.
"For real?" Lou asked from the back seat towards Liam.
"Would I lie about that Lou" Liam said back, irritated.
"No, I don't think so" he mumbled back, already feeling bad about today. About how he treated their youngest member of the band.

"We have to tell Paul though" Niall chirped in.
"Yeah we definitely should" Liam said in agreement.
Zayn was just silently listening to the whole conversation that just took place, also feeling bad.
Although he didn't say anything bad too Harry, he stil didn't check up on him, to see if it was true about what they were saying.

"What else Are you feeling haz?"
"Same as earlier today." He said back quietly.
Liam nodded back, "we're really sorry"
I nodded back, already forgiving them.
Just wanting to lay down in my bed. But sadly we couldn't yet.

Paul called management a few minutes ago when we arrived at the radio station, but of course they wouldn't let us. We still had to go towards two other interviews after this. But the rehearsal was canceled, so at least that was a good thing.

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