Part 1

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Chap 1

The marriage rituals were completed and it was time for vidaai. All her brothers looked funny with tears, she is suppose to cry right?? But looking at their faces first time crying like babies Imlie couldnt help but giggle.

Aryan sister Aarvi giggled with her. Time to be serious Imlie. She suddenly realize she is actually leaving these five monsters to fend themselves. She can imagine the mess in house, in kitchen specially as neither really knew how to cook maybe except Stavya - navy discipline but he is not home most of the year. He did came today for his only sister wedding.Her brothers looked at her like she grew another head when she giggled her youngest brother said, "You are not even crying!!! Rudra bhai what the hell? She is happy to leave us??" He seemed legit upset.
But now Imlie realizing that she is leaving , she started crying, they all came and gave her group hug. 

Rudra bhaiyaa man of few words, "This is always your home come anytime . We love you alot you are our heart , dad and mom's favorite they must be happiest right now."
Yuvaan" If you hadnt cried i would have pinched you so hard that you cry" kissing her cheeks.
Avyay said "Sun meri bachi, we are always here take care of yourself and if he ever hurts you , you can imagine what will happen" They all agreed giving her final hug and kisses. She was going to be two hour away from them she can come visit but with her work and now marriage she will have to figure it out.

"Ssh all of you, you guys are fake you got me married so fast but you guys still unmarried junglis all of you. Please find love , one of the resson i said yes so you guys can focus on your lives, find love and not bothered about me always. I will be fine trust me." She wept and waved them final goodbye as they helped her sit in car. She looked out the window as the car travelled, Yuvaan most affected he ran inside the house cannot look anymore.

He spoke breaking her thoughts as she pull her head inside, "Your brothers love you alot. Like you are their child. Glad to see as i am same for my sister Aarvi. "

Aarvi who was sitting in front seat agreed and added ," it can get annoying bhabhi am sure you know what i mean"
She smiled agreeing with her. "Dont call me Bhabhi please Imlie bulao" she insisted.
"Fine Imlie" She smiled and winked at her and looked back at the road.

After she reached her new home, Aarvi completed the rituals whatever she knew. She left them alone in the room that she had decorated for the newlyweds.

They both changed their clothes one by one. Aryan then spoke ,"Imlie i dont know why you said yes to marriage knowing i am a widow and loved my first wife alot. But i said yes because my sister insisted that i should move on. So much so she stopped talking to me for her sake got married. She doesnt know ofcourse but she thinks am atleast making an effort and moving on. It will be hard for me to move on and thats why whatver is the truth you should know. I personally respect you and the work you do so continue focusing on your career rather than finding love with me. If you want to say something you can say" He waited for her to speak.

It wasnt much of suprise and after all she said yes knowing the past just little hurt that he doesnt want to move on. She doesnt even want to take his first wife place she cannot think of it but.. she sighed and said , "I said yes knowing that you were married before and i respect your honesty. I dont have much to say but unlike you i belive in love finding its way" she smiled.
He just nodded and took his pillow and kept between them as partition.

He went to sleep. Imlie had thoughts for while but she finally slept as the tiredness got to her.

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