3. First Expedition

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Maxwell's POV

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Maxwell's POV

Oh it's on. Maybe for someone like Bryce, who always got attention, might not see this town, but I do. There's many times where I would go out with friends and we would do stupid things together. And that's what I want to do with Bryce.

Even if I don't convince Bryce, I still want to at least help him get better memories of our small town. So in the future, when he becomes some famous football player, he'll remember the fun he had in a small town in Nebraska.

Later that day, I thought more about where our first stop should be. There's so many places in this town that are mostly kept secret. Thinking deeper, the sentimental thoughts of my times with my friends came back. The laughs and cheers that would echo when we were together.

Then an image flashed in my head. Esther, my friend, bringing blankets and we laid on a large field. All of us huddled together as we chatted about our lives.

I quickly picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts list. Bryce and I had shared numbers, which felt a little off. I couldn't exactly say why but something about a nerd and jock exchanging numbers feels like a violation.

I clicked on 'Bryce <3' which he himself wrote. The heart was unnecessary but I'll let it slide.


Chill man!

You weren't answering

It's only been five minutes...
So why did you text me so urgently

I've got the idea for our first expedition

Sweet! Let me know where we're gonna meet!

Meet me near Old Man's Bar at 6:30 pm and bring your bike and a blanket
See you there

I swear you better not be planning to kill me :D

I laughed at Bryce's text. Still couldn't believe I was talking to him. And we kinda clicked.

The next day came and I had a backpack with a few snacks. I wore a loose shirt and shorts since tonight it's expected to be warm. Driving to the bar, I saw Bryce on his bike looking around. When he saw me, a smile came on his face.

"Where to, tour guide?" He taunted.

"Just down this path." I said. I motioned for a path that led away from the city.

I began biking, hearing the sounds of pedals behind me. I turned to see Bryce directly behind me. He pedaled faster and soon passed me. He gave me a smirk as if to say he's better than me. I pedaled faster to catch up. Soon we were neck in neck.

A large butterfly hit Bryce's face and he stopped biking. I also stopped and couldn't stop laughing at him.

After around thirty minutes more, we arrived at a large plain field. The sun was setting and it was about to be time.

"What is this place?" Bryce questioned as I placed the blankets on the grass.

"Our first expedition." I responded. "Lay down." I said. Bryce walked over and sat next to me. He stared off into the sunset as I admired him.

He is truly beautiful.

"So what are we waiting for?" He said

"We are waiting for the universe." I said.

" I said

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everyone shut up! they don't know it yet, but they like each other. it's kinda cute, poetic, and enchanting.

bye! i love you all!

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