5. Diner

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Maxwell’s POV

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Maxwell’s POV

“Sweetie, are you going outside today-” My mom asked but stopped when I ran outside the house. 

“I’ll be back later!” I yelled as I mounted my bike. I peddled and began to bike down the dirt path.

Today is the next day after our first expedition. I think I convinced Bryce that this place isn’t all that boring. You just need the right place to look.

Bryce and I agreed to meet at a small diner at the center of town. Which gives me the perfect time to choose the next place.There are a few places in town I’ve wanted to show. And I think I have an idea in mind.

I entered the diner and scanned the room. In the window booth, I saw Bryce sitting there. He waved his hand to signal at me when he saw me. I waved back and sat in the booth with him, across from him.

“So I was thinking…” Bryce said.

“That’s dangerous.” I chucked. 

“Haha, very funny.” He said sarcastically. “Say you are actually able to convince me. Would we make this a yearly thing or something?” He asked.

“Not sure. I think it’s best we wait for the future when it comes.” I said. A friendship is possible, but an idea in the back of my head whispered ‘Is that all you want? Nothing more?’.

“What would you two boys like?” The waiter said. She smiled at both of us and whipped her brown hair.

“I’ll get a #7 but no mayo and strawberry milkshake.” I said.

“And uh, I’ll have a #3 combo but double bacon and a butterscotch milkshake, please.” Bryce said. The women wrote our stuff down and left with a smile.

“She was totally flirting with me.” Bryce smirked.

“Dude, she’s literally just being nice. Not everyone that smiles at you wants to hook up.” I said and rolled my eyes.

“Oh yeah? You sure.” He gave me a look that was unreadable. What could it mean? Oh God, that stare is confusing me. 

We ate when our food came. Bryce tried to pester me about what the next place is. But I can’t tell him. Because A) It’s a surprise and B) It’s possibly illegal and I don’t want Bryce to bail. 

“Alright. Meet me at that one place that has the junkyard of cars. You know which one I’m talking about?” I asked Bryce. 

“Right! Yes. Are we gonna drive cars?” He said.

“No. Just meet me there but there’ll be an old red Buick to your right. Get in the car and wait for me. Got it?” 

“Sure. Whatever you say, mister.” He slurped the remaining of his milkshake.

We departed, feeling something missing soon after. As I biked home, the glaring sun hit my skin. Warm feelings flooded my body. Telephone wires are sizzling above me and the sound of rocks hitting my wheels sounded.

“Mom. I’m back.” I said.

“Who were you out with?” Mom pestered me. 

“Bryce Madden.” I said while setting down my cup of water.

“Interesting…” Mom whispered. 

“What?” I asked, wondering why she said that.

“Oh nothing.” She grinned. Weird.

“Mom, can I borrow your flashlight that you use when you kick out the possums from the crawlspace?” I asked her.

“Uhhhh, yeah? What for?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I mischievously said. You see, the next place I have in mind is a dark place. I won’t say what it is yet. 

I looked outside my window, admiring the view of the fields that surrounded us. Hanging out with Bryce earlier is just making me so… elated right now. I decide to go outside and turn on the hose and just run around. My happy yelps flood the area.

This summer is gonna be amazing.

I can feel it.

I can feel it

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scared rn. shaking. screaming. crying. throwing up.

btw, the entire time writing these chapters, i always play two songs that remind me of summer. the first one is summertime sadness by lana del rey. i'll reveal the next one later...

bye! i love you all!

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