Chapter 17: Camila

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*next day*

It's 7th period and I'm with the girls, changing in the locker room for PE.

"Have you guys seen Skylar today?" Ally asks as she puts her hair up in a ponytail.

"Yeah, we tried to mess with her in Physics and she was completely ignoring us." Normani says, rolling her eyes.

"It really pissed me off. She was acting like we didn't even exist." Lauren says while she was putting on her PE shirt.

"Seriously?" Dinah asks as she's slowly tying her shoes, "She did the same thing to me and Camila!"

"What did she do to you guys?" Ally asks.

"We were trying to mess with her in English and she completely ignored us. We even threw stuff at her while the teacher wasn't looking and she wasn't even phased by it." I respond.

As soon as I finish my sentence, the door to the locker room opens, and Skylar walks in.

My eyes instantly lock onto her as she walks, curious of what she's going to do. She hasn't even looked up once the entire time she's been in here.

What's her problem? Like why is she not reacting to anything. Why is she so strangely quiet now. I haven't heard her speak a word this entire day. Is she seriously that upset about yesterday? Excuse me. Excuse me. Wait, why am I saying excuse me?

"Excuse me,"

I shake my head a bit to pull myself out of my thoughts and when I'm back to reality I'm shocked to see the person standing in front of me.


"What?" I ask, still confused with what's going on right now.

Skylar sighs loudly, "I said excuse me." She says finally making direct eye contact with me.

"Oh," I say, looking up at the girls who are staring at me confused.

Shit, why am I being so weird right now.

I quickly get out of her way.

"Thanks." I hear her mumble.

"Wow look guys, she does talk." Lauren says, laughing.

All of us laugh at Lauren's comment.

"Oh shut the fuck up assholes." Skylar responds.

"What did you just say?!" Lauren yells.

Skylar doesn't respond and keeps walking towards her locker.

"If you think you're going to get away with that Skylar, think again." I say, but she just ignores me and keeps walking.

I'm sitting on the floor of the gymnasium with the girls. Class hasn't started yet, so we're sitting in our attendance lines.

Skylar's sitting in her attendance line too. She's sitting in a circle with her friends who are talking and laughing, but Skylar doesn't even look like she's there. She's not smiling or talking. She's just staring at her shoes. I can't help but watch her, waiting for her to talk to someone.

"So guys," Dinah says, making me turn my attention to her, "what are we going to do about Skylar."

We all look back towards Skylar for a moment before Lauren says, "Well, we're obviously going to teach her a lesson. I don't like how she talked to us right now, and yesterday. She's out of line."

"Yeah, I agree. This girl needs to know her place." Normani says.

"Ally, you have 8th period with her, right?" I ask.

Ally nods at me, seeming confused as to why I'm asking.

"Perfect. This is what we're going to do." 

A/N: Sorry, really short update, but the next chapter will hopefully make up for it. if you liked this chapter please vote! it makes me feel like there's a point in continuing the story. 

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