Chapter 11: Skylar

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"What the hell Skylar!" Lauren shouts, walking towards the frame with the other girls trailing behind her.

She picks it up and turns it around to reveal a shattered frame.

My heart drops.

Shit, I'm dead.

"I am so so-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Lauren slaps me.

"I told you not to snoop around in my room!"

"I know, I-I'll buy y-you another f-frame." I offer.

"No, why would you snoop through my things when I told you not to! Look at what you did!"

"I'm s-sorry. I w-wasn't snooping. I-I was putting your b-books away a-and I-I saw t-that picture."

"Y-You saw t-that picture?" Lauren mocks, "Well, you should've left it. Not mess with it!"

"Jesus, Skylar, you just don't know how to listen to anything, huh?" Camila says.

"Looks like having her be our maid for the day isn't a good enough lesson." Normani says.

"I say we teach her a lesson the old fashion way." Dinah offers.

"Oh, I'm totally down for that." Laurens says, placing the frame on her desk.

Before I know it, the girls are punching and slapping me everywhere they can. Everything is in slow motion. It is the most agonizing thing someone can be put through. You don't know when or even if they're going to stop. All I can do is deal with the pain and pray it's all over soon.

After what feels like hours - but is really only 20 minutes - they finally stop.

"Alright, you can sleep here for tonight." Lauren says.

Like hell I will.

With the little energy I have left, I mange to muster out "N-no. I-I'll g-go h-home."

I try to get up, but I instantly fall forward.

Dinah catches me and sets me back down on the bed.

"No way Skylar. You're in no condition to drive back home right now." Ally says.

Hmm, gee I wonder why.

"Besides, we don't want your mom seeing you like this. We can't have her put two and two together now, can we?" Camila says.

I sigh and rest my head on the pillow.

Guess I'm staying here.

"Alright, well, we're going to go downstairs then." Dinah says.

"And, we're going to lock the door so don't get any ideas." Camila adds.

With that, they all leave me in the room. By myself.

I try to stay awake, but I just don't have enough energy to do so.

Before I know it, I'm fast asleep in my former best friend's bed.

Completely vulnerable to them.


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