Chapter 19: Skylar

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A/N: Okay honestly the beginning of this chapter is not that great. I had major writers block so i'm sorry about this lol. But i swear the next chapter is actually pretty good.

"Alright, so what should we have her do first?" Normani asks.

The girls are all sitting around the table in Camila's kitchen while I'm standing awkwardly a few feet away from them.

I nervously move from feet to feet under their intense gaze.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." Dinah says, kicking her legs up and rubbing her stomach.

"Me too. I think Skylar should make us some dinner." Ally says.

Everyone nods in agreement, "I think so too," Camila says, "what should she make?"

"Ooo her Mom's famous pasta." Normani says, excitedly.

I don't even know how to make that!

"Ooo yes! You hear that Skylar?" Ally asks.

"I don't even know how to make her pasta." I say, annoyed.

"Girl, you better drop that attitude before I help you drop it." Dinah threatens, sitting up on the chair.

I gulp.

"Well, you better figure out how she makes her pasta because if it doesn't taste just like how we remember it, you're going to be really in for it." Lauren says.

"How is that fair? I'm not a cook! I don't know how she makes her food! This is so stupid!" I say, getting frustrated.

"We don't care. Now, go make the food." Camila says, "all the ingredients we have are in the fridge and pantry."

"Unbelievable." I mumble as I grudgingly walk towards the pantry.

This is ridiculous. They're giving me impossible tasks just so they can beat me up. Fuck this.

I end up somehow making a version of mom's pasta, but since it wasn't how it normally is the girls ended up getting pretty upset about it and well did what they only know how to do.

Beat me.

Then they had me clean the whole house for them, as if I was there maid or something. They made me do all the ridiculous tasks they could thinking of, including cleaning all the toilets. Dinah even tried to use me as a stepping stool at one point, but thankfully I managed to get out of that one somehow.

Right now, I'm laying on the floor of Camila's bedroom completely beat from today. The other girls are heading out, so they sent me to Camila's room for the night.

My eyes are squeezed shut as I try to force sleep to overtake me before the devil herself walks into this room. Sadly, I have too much anxiety to let myself fall asleep that quickly.

Why can't I just go home? What else does she want from me. God my back is going to break from laying on this floor. Why is the floor so bony. Is that a thing? Ugh, shut up mind. Go to sleep.

I try to ignore all the thoughts that continue to invade my mind without my permission.

As I try to fall asleep, I hear hear the door creek open. I begin to feel uneasy as I feel a presence standing right above me.

Great, Camila. Maybe if I just fake sleep, she'll leave me alone.

"Skylar, I know you're not asleep. Get up." Camila sighs throwing pillows and blankets on top of my face, as she goes back to her door and locks it.

I jump up at the impact.

Jesus Christ, is she trying to suffocate me?

"What do you want? Let me go to sleep so this miserable day can end." I say, as I watch her make her way back to me.

"Oh shut it Skylar. You're our bitch for a week, so you've got a lot more miserable days ahead of you."

"Oh trust me, a reminder is not necessary." I mumble.

Camila sighs, "I want to talk to you."

"You want to talk to me?" I scoff, "last I checked hitting and being rude was more your style."

"Keep those snarky comments coming and I might have to go back to that." Camila says, glaring at me.

I gulp, and look away.

"Now, something has been bugging me." She says, as she sits down on her bed, "when we were at your house for dinner, your mom mentioned your dad but you quickly stopped her and said that your dads still in the army. That didn't make any sense because the last I checked your dad was on his final tour when we were in 8th grade. We all celebrated him finally being able to stay home for good before he left."

I scoff, "the last you checked was almost 4 years ago. A lot can change in 4 years." I reply, not making eye contact.

Camila raises her eyebrow at me, "you're literally lying. Another thing that didn't make sense is why you took the job at Lauren's family company. You denied it the first time they offered, but then you called and asked them for a job a few weeks ago. Why would you do that? Unless you were desperate."

Shit, I can't let her know. I don't need her using my dad's death against me.

I scoff, "why would I be desperate? I just want to make some extra cash."

"There are so many other places you could've gone to get a job. Why accept a job from the family of the girl that bullies you? Unless you needed a job right away."

"Jesus Christ Camila it's not that deep. Her dad offered, it was good money, and I assumed none of you guys came around anymore. Trust me, I regret it."

"Like it or not Skylar, I know you. I know when you're hiding something. You're not saying the whole truth, right now. You can either tell me or I'll just figure it out on my own. I suggest you tell me because if I have to figure it out on my own, I'll make sure the whole school knows too."

I don't want the whole school knowing. Knowing the girls they're going to make it worse than it already is and make me look like the bad guy.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yup," she says popping the p, "but since I'm such a kind person, I'll give you a few days to tell me. You have until the end of this week before I take matters into my own hands. Now go to sleep. It's late and I have to be up early tomorrow." Camila says, turning of the light and laying on her bed.

Great, this has to be the worst day of my life. 

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for all the votes on the last chapter! It meant a lot! hope you guys like this chapter and please vote if you did!

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