Chapter 4: Lauren

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We're all seated at the dining table. Skylar is sitting in between her mom -who's sitting at the head of the table - and her adorable sister. Camila's sitting next to Erin. On her left is Dinah - she's sitting at the other head of the table. On Dinah's left is Normani, on Normani's left is Ally and on Ally's is me - I'm sitting right across from Skylar.

For dinner, Mrs. Jackson made her famous homemade pasta. My mouth was watering just by the smell of it. I haven't had this in years.

While we eat Mrs. Jackson says, "So girls, how's junior year?"

"It's amazing! Obviously really stressful though with SAT's coming up." Ally says.

"Oh, you guys have nothing to worry about. From what I remember you guys are all really smart. You definitely have more than enough brainpower to get yourselves through a four-hour test. I believe in you."

"Haha thank you! This is why you've always been my favorite Mom." Camila says, "No offense guys."

I shrug, "I mean when she makes food like this how can she not be your favorite." I reply before eating another spoonful.

"Awh thank you Lauren. See Skylar, at least someone appreciates my cooking. You should learn a little from Lauren."

I smirk at Skylar.

I see her roll her eyes and I give her a stern look.

She notices, sighs, and mouths 'I'm sorry' when her mom wasn't looking.

Looks like someone did learn her lesson.

"So girls, any boyfriends or girlfriends in the mix?" Mrs. Jackson asks.

"I'm dating Troy still." Ally says.

"Wow Ally, you guys have been together since Middle School? Y'all getting pretty serious, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Ally says, blushing a little.

"I was dating Lucy, but we broke up again. I don't know. I think we just needed a break." I shrug.

"Awh, I'm sorry to hear that Lauren. I hope everything goes the way you want it in the end."

"I hope so too." I sigh.

"I have a little thing going on with Shawn right now." Camila says.

"Shawn Mendes?!" Erin says excitedly.

Camila chuckles before she nods.

"Awh I haven't seen him in forever."

"Well, we have to fix that don't we? How about this, one day I'll take you out and we'll have a playdate with just me, you, Shawn and Skylar. That is, if it's fine with your parents." Camila looks up at Mrs. Jackson.

"Of course it's fine!" Mrs. Jackson responds.

"Yay!" Erin yells

Skylar lets out a deep sigh. Somebody is clearly trying to stay calm.

Dinah and Normani both aren't seeing anyone right now, so they don't say anything else.

After a few minutes, Dinah asks, "Hey, where's Mr. Jackson?"

Suddenly, an unforeseen tension enters the room. I look straight at Skylar and I can instantly tell something is wrong. Her face expression completely changed at the mention of her dad. She won't take her eyes off of her food. Her posture stiffened for a second before falling back down. Something is clearly up here.

Mrs. Jackson clears her throat and says, "Well, Mr. Jackson is-"

"Is still deployed." Skylar interrupts, "He won't be back for a while." She says looking up at us for a split second before looking back down at her food.

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