Chapter 8: Skylar

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Today's the day.

Mark sent me the address to the restaurant we're going to.

Maya was at my house to help me get ready. I was changing in the bathroom that's attached to my room while Maya was waiting for me on my bed.

"Oh my god, you're working for the Jauregui's?"

I sigh, "Yeah, sadly."

"Why? What if Lauren sees you there? What are you going to do then?"

Apparently just listen to what she wants me to do.

"I don't know, Maya. Probably walk the other way?" I say, finishing up the final touches on my makeup.

"Why would you even put yourself in that position?"

"You know how things have been kind of tight around here since my dad died? Well, Mom needs help with getting some more money."

"So, can't you just, oh I don't know, get a job at a different place?"

"Maya, I just took the first job that was offered to me. Finding another job would've taken a few months and I needed a job now. Also, I definitely won't find a job that pays as good." I reply, putting my earrings on.

Once I finish putting my earrings on, I open the bathroom door and step into my bedroom.

"So, how do I look?" I ask, twirling around to show off the dress.

"Uhh, INCREDIBLE! Damn, Skylar, where have you been hiding that dress. Ooo, Mark is going to be all over you."

I laugh, "Shut up,"

"You excited?" Maya asks.

"More than you know." I reply, blushing.

"Awhhh, is Sky in love?" Maya teases.

"Oh shut up Maya. I haven't even been on a date with him yet. I just....really like him."

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! You've liked him for a while now. Ahhh, my best friend is going on a date!"

"Ahh, stoppp, you're making me nervous."

Maya giggles, "Did you tell your Mom?"

I look at her and quietly mumble, "No..."

She gives me a confused expression, "Wait, what? You tell her everything. Why wouldn't you tell her that you're going out with someone?"

"Oh give me a break Mai. You know how she is. She wants me to be studying and focusing on school. She literally always tells me that boys are a distraction blah, blah, blah. She'll flip if she finds out I'm going out with someone."

"So....what did you tell her then?"

"I told her I'm going out to dinner with some of my coworkers. And that's what we're going to keep it as, so if she asks, you know what to say."

Maya sighs, "I don't approve of this, but fine. You should probably head out if you want to make it there on time."

I nod and we both start to head down the stairs and to the front door, "Hey, you sure you don't want money for babysitting Erin? She is a handful, you know."

Maya waves me off, "Are you kidding me? She's like my little sister. I'd take care of her any day."

I smile at her, "Thank you, Mai. I don't know how I'd survive without you."

"Yeah, I always wonder how you would too."

"Oh, shut up." I say, playfully hitting her arm.

She laughs, "Erin's still playing in the living room, right?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Alright, I'm going to head over there then. I'll see you soon. I can't wait to hear how this date went."

I walk out the front door and close the door behind me. Then I get into my car and head out to the restaurant.

Ahhh, why does my stomach hurt. Ughhh, I do not need or want butterflies right now.


Once I get to the restaurant, the host leads me to my table with Mark. As soon as he sees me he get's up to pull my chair out. I smile at him, "Wow, I didn't realize that I'm on a date with a gentleman."

He smiles at me, "Oh, that's just one of the many surprises I have for you tonight."

Ugh, those dumb butterflies are back!

"So what you getting, beautiful?" Mark asks.

To say the night was magical would be an understatement.

Once we finished eating our dinner, he gave me a present. It was a white and rose gold chained bracelet with a white sun in the middle. I was so shocked. I didn't think he'd get me such an expensive and adorable present. Especially, considering it was our first date. But, he did. And, it was the most cutest present ever. I couldn't stop admiring it the rest of the night.

After we finished eating, we went to a nearby Dairy Queen. He bought both of us ice cream. He hands me my ice cream and says, "Hmm, so isn't getting cookie dough at Diary Queen a little basic?"

I gasp, "Cookie Dough is never basic. Especially Dairy Queen's cookie dough."

He smirks as he raises an eyebrow, "Oh really? What's so great about Dairy Queen's?"

I smirk back at him, "I don't know. Why don't you see for yourself?" I lift up a spoonful of ice cream, offering to give him some.

He smiles and comes closer to me before opening his mouth a little. I let him have a bite of my ice cream. As I watch him eat it, I can't help but bite my lip a little.

God, he's so cute. What even?

As I'm thinking that, our eyes suddenly get locked in a trance. Neither of us can take our eyes off the other. Before I even have time to process it, he's already bringing his face closer and closer to me. Soon enough, I feel his soft lips pressed against mine. The kiss is slow and thoughtful. It lasts a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity. Once he breaks our kiss, he looks at me and whispers, "I've been wanting to do that ever since the day I met you."

I can't help but blush at his words.

Ahh, is it to early to say I'm falling in love?

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