Chapter 9: Normani

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"Hey, let's stop at Dairy Queen!" Bella says from the passenger seat.

I was hanging out with a few of my friends today. We spent the day at the mall and now I'm taking Bella home since she lives close to me.

"Seriously Bell? We had like tons of food at the Mall today." I reply, shifting my gaze from the road to her for a moment.

"Hey, you know I can't pass up Dairy Queen," Bella says, lifting her hands up in defensive, "It's just too much of a temptation for me. Come on, it's on the way home."

I groan, "Fine. But, you need to get your obsession with Dairy Queen checked out.

I pull into the Dairy Queen parking lot and what I see leaves me in a mix of anger and shock.

Skylar is here. With Mark. And... they're kissing.

What the hell. We told her she couldn't go out with him and she still went. Ugh, what is wrong with her? We're trying to protect her from him. Can't she see that? There is no way we're going to let this slide. I need to text the gi-

My thoughts are interrupted by Bella's voice, "Hey, you going to get out?"

I look over to see Bella standing outside my car with the door open.

I say, "I'm not really feeling Dairy Queen right now. You go ahead and get your ice cream!"

"Alright, suit yourself. But, don't expect me to share mine with you!" Bella replies, closing the door and running off to the Dairy Queen window.

I take out my phone and text the girls.

Normani: Guys, you will not believe what I'm looking at right now.

Dinah: What is it?

Normani: Skylar and Mark kissing in front of Dairy Queen.

Lauren: Are you serious?!

Camila: Why am I not surprised

Ally: We literally told her yesterday not to go out with him.

Dinah: What the hell is wrong with her?

Normani: So, we're obviously teaching her a lesson, right?

Camila: Is that even a question? Of course we are. We have to.

Lauren: She has work tomorrow 10-5.

Ally: Perfect, so everyone, show up a little before 10.

Dinah: So, what's the plan?

Camila: Lauren, can you get your dad to have her spend the day with us or something?

Lauren: I mean... I don't know. What would I say?

Normani: Tell him that we wanted to fix up the room we always hang out in and we need her help to do it.

Ally: Yeah, that's perfect!

Lauren: Alright, I think that would work.

Dinah: So, what are we actually going to have her do?

We come up with a bunch of things for her to do tomorrow.

After tomorrow, she'll think twice before she goes behind our back again. 

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