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𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

Eyes follow me as I make my way back into the room, scanning each face for my challenger. I lock eyes with a raven-haired boy with freckles spread evenly across his tinted face and dark liquorice eyes. I don't know his name, nor do I recognize him or even care enough to look at his badge.

"That was quite a bold thing to say. Especially because I have no idea who the fuck you are." I say coolly, shoving my shaking hands in my pockets. He stands out of his chair and meets my stare.

"How else would someone like you know a celebrity? You're not even embarrassed either." He looks back to smirk at his friends who all avert their eyes.

"So you assume that everyone who knows someone you don't is fucking them?" I look past his shoulders to notice the people behind him's faces strewn with embarrassment and force myself to keep my head up. I can handle a sophomore bitch.

"Everyone knows celebrities get around. No way he would talk to you unless you, you know," He's an centimeter or two taller than me but still backs up as I get closer.

"Your audacity astounds me." I snort. Other people in the room seemed to regain the brain cells they lost thanks to this dude, muttering at him to sit down and shut up. "You better hope I don't choose you to be my understudy for your final. I get second pick."

I almost laugh as his face drops immediately. Every year, the top twenty students in first year get to have their final project overseen and graded by a senior in the doctorate program. I'm ranked second in my year, so I get second pick. Unless he somehow sweet talks our valedictorian, he's mine to make miserable.

Tubbo ooo's, followed by everyone else. I shoot him a look and the group falls silent, giggling into their sleeves.

"Hi everyone! Mr. Adair, Solace, Garcia and Mrs. Elsener, please follow me. Everyone else, your guides will take you to your stations shortly."

Breaking the pitiful eye contact with the younger boy only after my classmates filter out the room, I follow them, exhaling slowly. Rubbing the angry heat at the back of my neck, I catch up to the lady and inform her that Cameron isn't here and she marks his name out, scribbling down mine instead.

We're led to the elevators and drop downward. The girl's ramblings and my classmates' awed expressions aimed at me don't even register as I marvel at the view for a second time. Not only does Dream's building look stunning on the outside, with its lofty enclosure of mirrored glass, it's got one of the best views of Orlando's cityscape that I've ever seen.

"Mr. Davidson, if you don't mind, we would love it if you helped our newer recruits with a few programs. It's what Mr. Garcia had signed up for." I glance around me and realize everyone else was gone, off to mingle with the company's employees.

"I don't mind at all." I nod at her graciously, following her into the large room. Natural light peeks out from the gaps in between sunshine yellow drapes separating sections of the window wall, lighting up clusters of monitors. Conversations were flowing between people who seemed to be of my age or a bit younger. Squishy bean bags were strewn out amongst soft roller chairs, and plush blankets adorned loveseats.

"Your attention please everyone!" The room falls quiet and most of them wave at the girl who smiles back. "This is Mr. Davidson. He's a guest here and about to receive a doctorate for Computer Science. Him being here is a privilege so please treat him with respect!"

"George is fine." I nod as they echo "hello" and "cool".

"Alright, I'll leave you to them. If you need anything, please feel free to use one of the drones for assistance." Whatever that means. She smiles and leaves me standing there, swiftly walking out the door. There's a moment of silence and everyone continues what they were doing.

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