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I wanna thank you guys for helping this story reach 2.5k! I hope you guys are liking this story so far!

Nathaniel was near ecstasy as he fed from the doe, Edward was a couple yards further feasting on his own. Nathaniel broke the doe's neck before dropping it to the dense forest floor.

Since returning to Forks Nathaniel has been feeding more than usual to keep his temptations at bay. The field trip for biology was an interesting one. Nathaniel watched from afar as Mike Newton still tried to helplessly flirt with Bella. He wanted the Newton boy to make his move with Bella but she turned him down left from right and it was hilarious to him.

He watched her discreetly every chance he got, eavesdropping a lot more easily.

As the next couple of days went by Nathaniel started feeling an interest in the girl. He couldn't describe the feeling but it was there. He never told any of his family for obvious reasons. The only one to have an inkling as to what was going on was Edward but he trusted his brother enough to not say anything.

Nathaniel was stilling coming down from his meal when he parked in the high school parking lot. But he was in a good mood overall. He slung his bag over his shoulder before making way towards the school. His nose led him to the sweet smell of vanilla that was wafting off of one Miss Isabella Swan.

Something was different with her today he could tell. For starters she's dressed in a low v line shirt which he only saw when she quickly turned to her friend Angela to say something, and she was wearing skinny jeans with her normal wear of converse. Her hair was slightly curlier as well.

She was definitely trying to impress someone, Nathaniel thought. Why else would she change up her look? He was as intrigued as to who it was since it most certainly was not Mike Newton.

Arriving into English the seats were already pretty filled. His amber eyes scanned over the seats before deciding the one in the front, which was in the same row as Bella. He sat down and took out his books, the entire time he felt eyes on him, but not just any eyes. Nathaniel felt her gaze as he went back into his bag to "look" for a pencil before carefully looking over at her. Their eyes locked and Nathaniel felt that pulling sensation again. He felt the venom salivating his mouth. A hand clamped down on his shoulder harshly, snapping him out of his trance.

"Ready for that test tomorrow?" Nathaniel looked up at Emmett in appreciation.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Came his reply as he adjusted himself back in his seat. Emmett have a nod before walking down the aisle to the last empty desk in the classroom.

Throughout the duration of the class, Bella couldn't help but look at Nathaniel's locks of hair. She couldn't help but admit to herself that she's been feeling a certain way about the Cullen boy ever since he saved her from the car or maybe the first time she saw him. She didn't know what was wrong with her, she even dreamed about him being in her bed. The thought always made her blush.

He was handsome there was no denying it but this didn't feel normal to her. Why did he have such an effect on her? Jessica teased her on her little crush on the Cullen twin when she asked questions about him.

She knew he was somewhat more social than his family and that he was apparently a charmer as well. There were rumors of brief flings with girls but in reality Nathaniel was never involved with anyone it was just that, rumors.

"La push, you in?" Bella snapped out of her thoughts looking over at Eric.

"Sorry. Should I know what that is?"

"La push beach down at Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow." Mike explained.

"Yeah there's a big swell coming in." Jess mentions as she bites into a carrot.

"And I don't just surf the internet." Eric stood up doing a surf motion.

"Eric, you stood up once, and it was a foam board." Mike stood imitating Eric moments before.

"But there's whale watching too. Come with us." Angela looked at Bella pleadingly. She was the only one not surfing in the group.

"La Push, baby. It's La Push."

"Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that." Bella chuckles, shaking her head.

"Seriously dude. It's creepy." Mike commented as she walked away towards the salad bar.

As she gathered her edible art she didn't notice the Cullen boy stalking towards her.

Nathaniel had his usual smirk on his face as he made his way towards her, his eyes looking towards nearby tables as the girls all looked at him in awe. His confidence grew as he stood besides the Swan girl who was engulfed in her "salad."

"Edible art?" Nathaniel watched amused as she knocks her apple off the table. He chuckles as he bends down to pick it up making sure to make eye contact as he stands back up.

Bella's heart fluttered in her chest as he polished the apple on his dark tee before returning it besides her bowl.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya." He winked at her. She looked down to her bowl feeling herself blush.

"You didn't scare me." He quirked a brow.

"Oh really?"

"Really." She said. He chuckles.

"Well then." He shoved his hands into his pocket. "How are you doing?" He then asks.

"Better than Tyler." She shrugs.

"He'll live."

"What are you doing here?" Bella suddenly asks looking back up at him, she couldn't help but admire the color of his eyes. It was so unnatural the color of his eyes. All of the Cullens shared the same shade of amber, though sometimes Edwards looked more gold than anything.

"What a growing boy such as myself can't get a bite to eat?" He asks as he leaned over her slightly to grab his own green apple. He took a bite chewing rather noisily before swallowing it.

Nathaniel was kicking himself mentally. The taste was awful but did his best to hide the grimace on his face.

"Reds better." She stated as she grabbed her salad and left him alone to go back to her friends. He watched as she went.

"You're right. Red is better." He said more to himself. He walked back to his table, tossing the apple in the trash on the way which didn't go unnoticed by Bella.




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