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Bella was left breathless as she stared at the black orbs that seemed to stare right into her soul.

"Your eyes." She gaped. "You're...you're a vampire." Nathaniel's eyes looked calculating.

"No I'm not." Bella looked at him.

"Yes you are." Nathaniel grinned trying to come off friendly, but looked more malicious.

"Vampires don't exist, I'm not a vampire Bella." He placed his hands over his stagnant heart. He was piercing her with his eyes, intently focusing on changing her mind.

"You're eyes are black they were gold two seconds ago."

"They're not."

"They are." Nathaniel gave a huff, closing his eyes before opening them to reveal copper orbs. "Now they've changed again! I'm not crazy so stop bullshitting me." She took a step back.

Nathaniel was starting to feel baffled by the whole interaction. Why wasn't it working?

"Bella my eyes haven't changed." She scoffs leaving him in wonderment.

They stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. The frustration and anger started to rise up again.

"I'm not afraid of you."

Nathaniel laughed, his eyes crinkling as he did before locking his eyes in a predatory way towards the human.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with sweetheart."

"You're a vampire." She stated again. He cocked his head to the side as he analyzed her. Being alone out here with her was dangerous. His senses felt like they were in overdrive.

"Are you afraid?" He asked her but when she didn't answer it almost angered him. He flashed in front of her before her eyes admitting a gasp. "Are you afraid?" He asked again, this time slower as if talking to a child. He heard the drumming of her heart, it was the only thing he could hear until she spoke.

"You won't hurt me." She bravely stated but that faltered when he started laughing. His face broke out in a grin.

"No? I won't hurt you?" He sped away, suddenly appearing directly behind her.

"Are you so sure about that?" He whispered in her ear making her whip around to face him. Her hair brushed against his face admitting a growl from him. Overcome with his senses Nathaniel pinned Bella to a tree with her wrists trapped above her head.

"You know nothing about me Isabella." He leaned in close to her and for once Nathaniel welcomed her scent, sending him into near ecstasy. His nose dipped down to her neck and felt the saliva and venom pulling into his mouth. He swallows it down and juggled the ideas swirling in his mind.

"You won't hurt me."

Nathaniel barked a laugh as his eyes met hers. Her dark eyes held that familiar emotion of fear.

"You keep saying that." He mumbled as his tongue tasted the skin of her neck sending him into a near frenzy.

Just a taste. One taste.

His mouth hovered over her neck and was about to indulge himself when he heard a slight sniffle. Pulling his head back slightly he saw the tears forming in her eyes.

And like a switch that went off he released her. He backed away before he dropped his head in his hands.

So close. So fucking close.

A twig snapping sent him in a spiral and he went for the source of the noise meeting a deer. Nathaniel tore into its jugular, the doe cried out but was quickly silenced. It wasn't too far out from Bella for her to follow the noise and what she discovered was horrific.

Dropping the body his eyes locked with Bella's.

"I'm a monster."

"You could've killed me before, why didn't you?"

"Go away!" He bellowed , turning himself away from her. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. He gripped his hair harshly. Everything was spiraling and the temptations didn't stay down. "I'm a freak! A monster! You shouldn't be staying around checking in, you should be running!" He snapped.

"I'm not afraid of you." He flashed in front of her, his face and shirt covered in blood.

"I have no control over this Bella! Do you have any idea what it's like being around you? I've been doing pretty decent keeping it together around you humans, but then you up and pop out of no where and now all I can think about is you." Bella didn't tether from his gaze.

"You won't hurt me."

"Are you serious right now?" He flashed before her. He gripped her arms and they swiftly moved through the forest knocking the wind out of her, before she was grounded.

Nathaniel released her before backing away. A stream of light casted through the trees onto Nathaniel's face.

Bella stared at him in awe. She felt like she was in some twisted fairytale. His skin sparkled like diamonds. He was beautiful.

"You're beautiful." Bella blurted out, causing her to bite her lip. An audible sigh escaped Nathaniel's lips.

"Beautiful? It's the skin of a killer Bella. I wanted to kill you."

"But you didn't."

"I still want to." He locked eyes with her with a sharp glare, hoping it would get through to her, how wrong she is.

"I don't think you will."

"This was a mistake. No one will believe you, I'll be sure of that."

"I won't tell anyone."

"I know you won't." He looked at her again with a pained expression. "I've royally screwed this up." Flashing before her again he tried his act of persuasion to convince her it was all false but with no luck.

"This won't work."

"What won't work?" Bella asked.

"Our worlds don't go together." Bella's opened up her mouth to speak but before she could say anything Nathaniel was gone.


It took some time for Bella to get back to the school, she was nearly fuming at the fact she was left there alone. She wasn't exactly sure what she was expecting and she should be more grateful that she made it out okay but the nagging feeling that something was still missing was still relevant.

Now knowing what she did she saw the world in a different light, one with more shadows, more darkness that she could ever possibly imagine.


I need to go back and edit some of these chapters at some point, but I hope you guys enjoy, until next time!



Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. Swanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن