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10k let's go! Thank you guys, I hope you all are enjoying the story thus far!

Nathaniel trekked through the forest with Bella trailing close behind him. The warmth that was radiating off of her made him want to embrace her then and there wanting it all to himself. They walked the same beaten path the last time they were alone in the woods. It was the end of the day and Nathaniel convinced Bella into a last minute "hiking" trip.

"I have a question." Bella stumbled a bit after stepping on a branch breaking it in half.

"I have an answer, possibly. " He smirked back at her once she rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to be dying to be like you?" Nathaniel slowed down as he glanced back at her.

"Why?" Bella shrugs avoiding his gaze.

"Curiosity?" He frowned at her, Nathaniel had asked Edward to go into her mind but she was immune to his gifts as well. He didn't like the thought of a girl like her becoming a monster like him.

"No, they don't. That's just Carlisle." He said as he continued to walk ahead. His mind was taking a dark turn. It wasn't something he wanted to dive into at the moment. But he'd indulge her curiosity because it wasn't like him to lie.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Carlisle doesn't turn someone unless he didn't have another choice. He wouldn't choose this for someone if they had another way. My brother and I we didn't have a choice, we were dying and our mother begged him to turn us."

"It's amazing even after all this time you and your brother are still together."

"It wasn't always like that." They came across a few boulders compiled together . He swiftly hopped up on one holding a hand out to pull Bella with him. She reached out and with ease he pulled her close to him. They were chest to chest as Nathaniel did his best not to breathe in her sweet scent. The idea gnawed at him but he resisted.

"My brother and I....we had our differences." He brushed back the hair that was in her face. "I wasn't exactly the poster child of a perfect son or vampire. I was a monster, I had no control over myself."

"You do now, that's all that matters." He shook his head.

"That doesn't bring back all of the people I've killed over the last 80 years."

"That's in the past now." He pulled back, keeping her at arms length.

"Time works a little differently for someone like me. It felt like only yesterday that Edward and Carlisle pulled me back from completely exposing myself. I wanted it to be over, I didn't care about any of it. I was ready to confront the Volturi and ask them to take my life. But...Edward stopped me, he's under the delusion that I can still be saved."

"You can be."

"Life has a way of changing us, like with you humans. We can't stop it or slow it down, all we can do is go along with the ride. It doesn't, make it easier though."

He cracked a small smile, leaning down to kiss her softly. She smiled back at him. "Can your family do what you do, the whole manipulation thing?" Nathaniel huffed out a chuckle.

"It's just one question after another with you, huh?" Bella shrugs as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"I'm curious. I want to know."

"No, they can't but other members of my family has different abilities. Not every vampire has a gift but um, my brother Edward, he can read people's minds as I've mentioned. Alice can see the future and Jasper is an empath and not only feels others emotions but can change them as well."

"I bet she saw me coming."

"Alice's visions are subjective, it's based on people's decisions. I tried holding back and keeping my distance but that didn't work out obviously. The future can always change and I'm determined to change it."


Alice was carrying a vase of flowers to replace the dead ones in the living room when her entire body froze up. Images flashed in her mind.




Alice dropped the vase before she even realized it. Edward was quick to catch it, catching on  to everything she just saw and he felt his chest constrict.


Pulling up out front of the Swan residence Nathaniel put his car in park.

"Thank you for the ride." He smirked.

"Anytime darling. You have yourself a good night now."

"Um, would you wanna hang out again later? Maybe after Charlie's asleep?" His eyebrows shot up.

"And what would we be doing later Isabella?" She shrugs as she felt herself blush. She hated how easily he made her do that. His piercing eyes were locked on hers.

"Hanging out." Nathaniel's head dipped down as he grinned ear to ear letting out a chuckle.

"Okay Isabella." Bella couldn't help but smile a bit.

"See you later then."

"I'll see ya." Putting the car in drive Nathaniel peeled away from her house. Bella stood there shaking her head at his speeding, silently praying he doesn't hit anyone on his way home.


A near three hours later Nathaniel sat by Bella's desk as she was asleep in her bed. He contemplated waking her but decided against it. One thing he longed for that could not anymore was dreaming. Even if it was not all good it was an escape from the brutal reality of this world. He hated it, could he subjugate her to the same fate? As accepting as she was she was still young and figuring things out for herself. He remembered how it was. But it was too late now to turn back. He couldn't break her heart or could he?

Moments like these he wishes he could fall asleep and get a fresh start in the morning.

His eyes traced every inch of her covered form in the bed. The familiar burning of the venom in his gums made him hungry. Never fully satiated unless he succumbed to an endless feeding. That was his curse.


Did not edit this at all, it's been very busy for me!


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