Chapter 19

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Shushu POV

The Manjanggul Cave is huge luckily I brought my tennis shoe for this and an extra camera battery, I took a lot of pictures with us in it but some I secretly took when Scoup, Jeonghan, and Joshua weren't looking. Jun went with us since he doesn't have anyone else to go with, after 1 hour of touring the cave because Scoup need to stop halfway, we finally finish and everyone looks so tired our manager was exhausted and said this was a bad idea. I was about to slip but Jeonghan grabbed me and I held on to him the whole walk, he didn't mind and let me drag him up to any spot to take pictures.

Tomorrow is the Seventeen photo shoot at the beach, I promise them I will go watch but I'm not sure I want to go and be a distraction to everyone. After leaving cave 95z, I and Jun went to get some noodles to eat. I wasn't that hungry so I shared it with Scoup.

"Aren't you hungry?" Jun asks. "You need to keep a lot of energy for our concert soon."

"I ate some snacks during the cave tour," I said. "Don't worry I've been to kpop concerts before and I know how to keep my energy." Jeonghan fed me a spoon full of noodles before I finished talking, Scoup and Jun laughed at me hard. "Ya, Jeonghan."

"You two going to make a good couple," Scoup said. "Jeonghan, you look like a good and caring boyfriend to her." I gently kick Scoup under the table, being his cousin sometimes can get too annoying. "Sorry, sorry." The restaurant we ate at wasn't far from our hotel so I walked with 95z and Jun. Jeonghan wasn't talking much after Scoup said we looked good as a couple.

"Jeonghan, are you okay?" I ask tugging his shirt to get his attention. "Scoup is just playing with us."

"I'm fine, just tired," he said. "I know is Scoup is playing with us but he right we look good as a couple. Joshua, why did you eat cold noodles with us?"

"I'm good, so I heard Scoup said you feed Shushu cold noodles," Joshua teased Jeonghan. "Jeonghan is blushing, Jun and Scoup he blushing." Jeonghan looks cute when he is annoyed but it is fun to tease him. I put my arm around his shoulder to calm him down. "Jeonghan, I'm sorry." We finally reached our destination and it was tiring, Jeonghan's emotions changed when he lay down on the hotel bed.

"I wonder if the other members were in their hotel room," I said. "Scoup you are taking up my space, go to the couch." Jeonghan and Joshua laugh when Scoup sulks about it, I ignore him and continue my work eventually Scoup fell asleep while being mad. "Jeonghan, can I come over to your bed and take up my space."

Jeonghan POV

Shushu sat right next to me while I was playing video games. She looked worried and sad while watching something before I could speak. she was crying already.

"Jeonghan, his parents died," she said while holding on to my hand. "This reminds me of how I lost my parents." I lean her head on my shoulder while pausing the drama. My hand is still intact to her. I could feel her pain when she said that but a few minutes later she was back to normal like nothing happened.

"You can hold on to my hand if you want to," I said and she did. She let me wear her airpod to watch with her, another sad part came up and tears fell from her face again. "I don't want to watch anymore."

She closed her computer and went to a secret room that no one is allowed to go in. I wonder what was in there but it must be something important. An hour later she came out of that secret room with a rose and surprisingly she handed it to me. Is she confessing?

'She confessed before me?' I thought to myself. 'Or maybe she just wants to give me a rose.'

"This rose to give you good luck, luck for your successful concert," she said. "Make sure to share the rose petal with everyone, if the petal goes dry don't worry it's supposed to be like that."

Jaehyun POV

I saw Shushu at Manjanggul Cave today. Ae-cha wanted to go to the cave so I let her take me there. On the walk, I saw Shushu was about to slip but someone who looked like Jeonghan caught her. I felt sad seeing how she held onto him and held his hand.

"Babe, look how pretty the cave is," Ae-cha said and I nodded. My attention is on Shushu taking pictures with a group of guys, they look like members from Seventeen and Shushu is close to the guy who she is rumored to be with. "Babe, let's ask her to take our picture." She wanted to ask Shushu to take our picture but I said we don't need to. I took a selfie picture since I don't want to talk to Shushu and meet Jeonghan Hyung who protects her from me.

"Let's eat cold noodles," I said, driving her to a good noodle restaurant. "Let's share that I'm not that hungry for noodles." Across from us was Shushu's table with her Seventeen friends, I saw how Jeonghan fed her like how I used to do it. "Let's finish quickly, I'm tired and I want to go home." Ae-cha was beside me and looked at a stuffed animal I bought her while I watched Jeonghan Hyung and Shushu. They look cute together and Hyung is a good caring boyfriend to her. I wish I never make this mistake and Shushu would still be mine.

"Babe, can we stay at the hotel tonight?" she asks. "I don't want to be home, my sister always walks in on us doing it."

"Sure," I said. She took some clothes and went to the hotel I checked in 3 days ago. I'm not sure how much privacy we can get in the hotel but doing it in the bathroom isn't too bad. "Come to the bathroom with me, there's something I have to show you." I bought her a bunch of fancy stuff and jewelry, and her smile turned big and wide. I gave her a sweet kiss and opened a suitcase, it contained more jewelry and our picture together.

"Thanks, babe," she said, kissing me at a place where I felt good. "You like where I kiss you?" I nodded and it all began in the bathroom after I made her wear a sexy dress that showed a lot of skin and looking at her made me forget Shushu.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now