Chapter 24

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Shushu POV

Yesterday eating out with my bestie was fun. Kihyun got us home safely before going home, even taking me back to the studio, which was in the opposite direction from where he lived. I woke up early to go see Hanni and seventeen, Scoup told me yesterday night I could come whenever and I choose to come in the morning. No one opened the door when I first hit the bell but before I rang the bell again Seungkwan went to open the door. I could see Hannie already waiting for me.

"Hyung was whining because he missed you," Dk said. "The whole night he kept on whining."

"Ya, I did not whine at all," he argued back. "I just miss her and her hug."

"Aww Hannie," I said. "I miss you too." I watch them eat breakfast together. Seventeen is a happy family, everyone is caring and worried about each other.

"Shushu, hi," Wonwoo said. "I didn't know you came here."

"Is everyone free tonight?" Scoup ask. "We will party." I check my schedule and yes I'm free which means tonight is going to be my first time staying in Seventeen's house, it's going to be weird since I'm the only girl here. "Make sure to bring what you choose."

Hannie took me to his room, it look different than Scoup room. Everything is decorated in light and cheerful colors even his bedsheet is a bright color to match everything. Scoup room was dark and gloomy, nothing match the other but I still like it.

"I kept all the photos you sent me when we were on the Jeju trip," Hannie showed me. "I print it out and make a little wall name ShuHan, making this release stress from my head."

"How is living with Woozi?" Hanni asked. "Is he hard and annoying?" I laugh while sitting on his bed. Woozi is not annoying as I thought but sometimes his anger issues show, and Woozi is mad and looks cute.

"He is not that annoying," I said. "Sometimes he blasts his music at midnight while I'm trying to sleep."

Jeonghan POV

For the first time, Shushu watched a movie with me and she gave me her private IG. She has an interesting number of followers here even though it is private. There are some people with funny names and some that are not idols or famous, these might be her college friends or colleagues.

"When are you planning to party?" she asks suddenly. "I have a meeting with the Lambo CEO at 11:00 am." It is currently 8:00 which means I still have time to spend with her. She shows me her schedule, and it is full of video special effects creators, photoshoots, and meetings with the CEO.

"At 7:00 pm we will party," I said. "I hope you can come." She went to pick up a call and it sounded like an important one hence the way she spoke and her reaction changed, a couple of minutes later she returned with a smile on her face. "What with the smile?"

"The Lambo CEO is out today and he can't be in the meeting so I don't have to go home at 10:30," she said. I was excited that being far away from her made me sad. Maybe she was the first person I ever loved deeply. I love when she takes secret pictures of me and sends them in the SVT group chat.

Scoup call us down to have a karaoke session, Shushu's song was already on there and she chooses to sing it. I could feel her pain in the chorus and how she sang it delivered pain to the listener, I could tell she was still in pain and I hope that my love for her could erase it.

"You took Scoup rapping skill," Dino said. "You two should make a collaboration. It sounds good and fans will love it."

"I will sing my favorite song," she said. Habit by the vocal team was her favorite song. I wonder if she can get the chorus tone correct. "Before I start, Habit and Hug are my comfort songs. I listen to them when I'm not okay. Seventeen ballad songs are my comfort when I'm sad, thank you guys for coming out with a good ballad song."

Her voice sounded relaxing and smooth when the chorus came. I was surprised how she took the range higher than Seungkwan, this was my first time seeing a non-singer singing higher than the original song and the pronunciation was on point. Shushu maybe has the talent to sing but she chooses to be a photographer, the song ended and everyone cheered for her.

Everyone else takes turns singing a song even though Seungkwan sang 'Alway loves you' in his tone and way, Wonwoo teases her by singing another version deeper than her voice. Around 1:30 Shushu said she needed to go back to the studio for something and she promised that Dark, Utsuri, and Coco will come when she returns here. I played on my phone while waiting for her. My Instagram alerted me that Shushu posted something new and it was a picture of her cat with the caption 'they miss me a lot, I'm glad to see Dark doing well still'. There are already thousands of comments and I saw one that caught my attention, someone commented 'I thought Dark was dead, oh I think I made a mistake with Xiao. Sorry', Dark and Xiao do look alike. I don't blame them for being confused and commenting on something like that. Another comment caught my attention and this is not cat related, the comment said 'Imagine naming your Hannie because you are dating Jeonghan'.

"Scoup comes and looks at this," I said showing him the comment. "Should we tell our manager?"

"It could be her friend teasing her," Scoup said. "Also she should name a cat Hannie." I hit him with the pillow from the day we started dating my members did not stop teasing me, they said we will all stop until you bring her to your parent and propose.

"Maybe, I'm worried about it," I said. "Let's wait for her." I didn't know I fell asleep on the couch until a cat jumped and lay on me. That was when I knew Shushu was back. "Dark like me. Shushu, Scoup told me your birthday is coming up."

"How old are you turning?" Wonwoo asked. "Hyung said you are turning 21."

"No, I'm turning 25," she said and I was shocked. Scoup lying about her age but why? He might want to keep her safe from other random things but she isn't young anymore. "Scoup lied about my age to protect me, he doesn't want people to know about me."

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now