Chapter 30

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Shushu POV

Today will be a hard day. I was requested yesterday night to film a vacation trip with Seventeen. I don't want to see Hannie because of what he did to hurt my feelings. Seeing Hannie smile happily while filming a vlog but deep down I know he is hiding something, this time our vacation trip was to watch all the memories they have together. I'm not good with emotional stuff so Scoup handed me a box of tissues just in case. Everyone has moments when they dislike each other but when it is my turn I skip, I know Hannie doesn't want me to mention anything and news shouldn't spread about us.

"Aww, you guys are like a big family," I said. "Sweet moment." After watching the documentary Seventeen happy moments we pair up to play a game and my partner is Hannie, I try to keep a smile but it fades when no one is looking.

"I know a way to cheat," he whispered. "Just follow me." It is fun to play games with Hannie. It suddenly makes me forget all of the bad things. I want to be with him forever but I can't. Nothing lasts forever even the person that I love the most won't stay with me forever. "We won." He lifted me by my waist and spun me around."

"You cheat," Vernon said. "Hyung, why can't you play a game normally?"

"Did I cheat?" He asked. "I did cheat." I went to take a nap in my room, we are at a beach house for this new Going Seventeen. I wanted my room since Hannie needed some space and alone time with Scoup. "Shushu, can we talk?"

"I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend and someone you can't depend on," He said. "These days I've been talking to a girl. Yesterday I met up with her telling her to end our conversation but she kept texting me. I'm sorry Shushu for everything, you have the right to break up with me."

Before he could leave I wrapped my arms around his waist and not letting go, he turned around and kissed me passionately. He was wearing a sweet perfume that I like, it went well on him making him smell like an angel.

"Hannie," I said. "The perfume is making me sleepy." He pulled me closer to him and the perfume got stronger, I kissed his lip before taking a nap.

Jeonghan POV

I watched her sleep peacefully before releasing and grabbing my phone, Seo-ah texted me again and I replied. I tossed my phone aside and lay down and hugged her again, she was the one for me but why am I trying to break it? Eventually, I drifted to sleep thinking about our sweet memory, when we used to be smiling and happy next to each other but now the only thing I see in Shushu's eyes is worry and sadness. I know it is all my fault I caused this but I can't stop myself from talking to Seo-ah, I promised my parents one day I would propose to Shushu now it looks like that is not going to happen.

'Sorry mom and dad, I can't propose to Shushu,' I thought as a teardrop from my eye. I was sleeping peacefully until Scoup busted in making Shushu through a pillow at him.

"Wake up sleepyhead," he said. "Come help make food."

"Wake up," She said while teasing me by brushing her lip along mine. "Hannie."

"Give me more minutes," I said. I can't stand how she teases me with her lip so I pull her close and kiss her more passionately, I tease her back by brushing my lip. "Do you like how it feels?"

"Feel great," she said, pulling my shirt closer for a kiss. My collarbones are her favorite part to touch and enjoy the feeling. I wear a loose shirt when I'm around her. "We should go."

"What took you so long?" Dino asks. "Hyung, don't tell me you two did it."

"Dino, we promise each other no matter how drunk we are, the things aren't going to help us," she said. "If Hannie is drunk today the worst thing he can do is cling on to me."

I help other members fry the meat while Shushu makes ramen. I heard Scoup say her ramen-making skill is good, all the meat has been fried and food is already set up on the table so it is time to eat.

"Shushu can you drink?" Wonwoo asked. "If you can, we can play drinking games."

"I can drink but sometimes I choose to not drink," she said. "Scoup love to drink luckily I don't have the genes of an obsessed drinker."

"Ya, are you calling me an obsessed drinker because I always lose at drinking games?" Scoup ask. "Hannie got drunk faster than me."

We laugh at how Scoup can get sulky at a little thing and I do get drunk easily but tonight I will push my limit for Shushu. The game has started and Shushu already drank two cups since she didn't understand the rule but I explained it to her 3 times already.

"Is this homemade alcohol?" She asked. "It tastes different than what I'm used to." We took a break from drinking games and ate the food. Shushu is such a good ramen marker, I enjoy her presence next to me and the way she laughs when I lose to another drinking game.

"Shushu teaches your boyfriend how to play," Wonwoo said. "He is losing way too much."

"Let him be," She said. "Hannie, your face is red." After eating for a while, I followed Hannie to the pool and enjoyed it with the other members. The cold breeze and wearing Hannie's jacket made it so romantic. I sat looking at the star while holding his hand, he was leaning on my shoulder feeling sleepy after drinking so much.

"You need some sleep," she said. "You look so sleepy." She said while trying to close my eyelid but I said no.

"I'm not sleeping yet, let's go do some karaoke," I said. "I heard some good songs there."

Shushu POV

I didn't want to sing today so I watch Seventeen karaoke while cuddling with Hannie when is not his turn, we all started laughing when he said Yoozino. We party late until everyone is tired and went to bed, Hannie pass out on the couch and Scoup volunteer to take him to his room. Looking at the clothes he was wearing reminded me of the time he performed Purple rose in front of me.

'How can a person who is so sweet and cuddly turn into someone else while he is dancing?' I thought to myself. 'He looks so cute and cuddly in these clothes but when he dances another version of him appears.'

"I know I look hot in these clothes," he said. "You don't have to stare at me all the time." I couldn't help but stare at him even more and touch his collarbone. "You are obsessed with my collarbone and I'm obsessed with your lip."

He kisses me before falling asleep again, he is an angel but can be a devil when you provoke him. 

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now