Chapter 21

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Shushu POV

When I woke up Jeonghan and everyone had already left, there was a note on my pillow and it said.

We have to practice early for our concert today. I bought you food, make sure to eat well. Call me when you are awake, don't go anywhere. I will be back soon.

From Jeonghannie

I immediately call him when I eat, he looks so sweaty and tired but they still have 2 songs left to practice.

Call with Jeonghan

Are you eating? - Jeonghan ask

Yes - I answer

Eat well, what time did you sleep? -Jeonghan ask

3:30 am, I finish another kdrama -I answer

I have to go -Jeonghan

We wave goodbye to each other

I don't know but Jeonghan looks hot when he is sweaty and tired, everything about him just makes everything look hot. I have watched their live performances before and Jeonghan's facial expression kills me, especially when he moves his touch. 2 hours later 95z finally appears in their hotel room, and they all collapse on the bed and couch.

"How was practice," I ask while trying to push clingy Scoop away. "Scoup please go change."

"It was great, Jeonghan got teased," Joshua said. "He looks cute when he blushes."

"Everyone teases me because I was talking to you," Jeonghan said. "They saw me smile while watching you eat."

Eventually, they all went to change and the room smelled better, this was my first time seeing how buff Joshua and Jeonghan are. Scoup's arm looks no different from the last time I saw him sleeveless but Jeonghan and Joshua's arm muscle is on the next level.

"Cheol, give me back my phone," I said. I know he going to look through my message to Jeonghan and other Seventeen members, sometimes I don't like the fact he is my cousin and how he treats me like his own sister. "Cheol!" I eventually got it back, luckily my message to Jeonghan is boring so Scoup doesn't read it but he read my message to Juyeon.

"Your message to Juyeon is interesting," Scoup said. "I wonder why he is not your boyfriend yet."

I throw a pillow at him and he stops to take a nap.

Jeonghan POV

I wonder how Shushu thinks about my arm muscle, I know Scoup's arm muscle impresses her I hope mine does too. When Scoup tease Shushu about Juyeon being her boyfriend I got jealous, jealous annoy to went over to Shushu's bed and sit with her. She look at me so confused so I whisper to her and tell how I had been getting teased by every member even our choreographer.

"Don't worry about them," She said. "They are just jealous." The concert is this afternoon and this is the final step to being with Shushu. If everything goes well, we have to leave soon to go to the concert place and practice. I hope Shushu is sitting close up front because I want to see her. The outfit she is wearing tonight is probably going to be cute or pretty.

"Can you lay down with me?" I ask. Hugging her makes me feel better. "I just need to hug someone."

I lay in the same position hugging until the time we need to go again, Scoup looks so excited to see Carat and hear their cheer for us again. The stadium is huge which mean thousand of Carat will be here and thousand will be watching my confession toward Shushu. Our performance schedule is performance Ready to love and Fear then my confession after resume sing our song and last but not less have a chat with Carat.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now