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Together Morgan and I dozed on and off for a while. The mid evening sky was starting to turn colors and I knew we were getting closer to sunset now after a bit of the sun landed in my eyes for a bit too long and woke me up. Morgan still hasn't moved an inch from where she rolled on top of me after we finished and I didn't want to wake her up but I was starting to get painfully hungry and I needed to use the bathroom.

            Carefully, I started to run my fingers up and down Morgan's spine and increase the pressure of my touch to rouse her from sleep. I watched as Morgan's body started to wake up and I couldn't help but smile when I saw her forehead scrunch up before moving her face directly into the sun beam that's coming in from the window. Morgan instantly groaned and rolled back to her initial position before slowly opening her eyes to find me.

            "That was mean." Morgan pouted and I couldn't help but give her a kiss on the forehead to stop her from pouting.

            "You moved your head not me, but while I have your attention, if I don't use the bathroom within the next few moments, I might actually explode." I said softly.

            Morgan groaned and rolled off me freeing me from the bed and which I quickly got up from and ran off to the bathroom to relieve myself. While I was in the bathroom, I took a few minutes to clean myself up and couldn't help but notice all the bite marks along my neck, chest and hips. One on my right hip just above another scar was in the shape of a heart and I couldn't help but feel my eyes water. I tried not to stay in the bathroom for much longer after I wash my face and brushed my teeth.

            I didn't bother going back into Morgans room right away. Instead I went down the hall to my own bedroom and pulled out some clean pajamas and put them on. Just as I was finishing up I turned to leave my room and found Morgan staring at me. She only pulled on a pair of underwear and the rest of her body was on full display.

            "I was thinking about making breakfast for dinner, any chance we have eggs?" I asked walking up to her.

            "Yea I got some the other day when I got back. Get started, I'll be down in minute." Morgan said as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

            "Yes ma'am." I said and leaned in to give her a kiss. The kiss had all the passion in it and I couldn't believe how lucky I am to have this women love me back.

            When I pulled away Morgan gave me a small smile before moving out of my way. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I was able to find everything I needed for pancakes and eggs and quickly got to work making a tall stack of pancakes before I started on the eggs. Morgan only likes scrambled eggs so I made a large batch for the both of us to share. Just as I was putting the plate on the table, I heard Morgan walk into the kitchen and turned to find she put on some clothes, much to my disappointment, wearing an army green sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. After I pulled the pan from the burner and turned off the stove, I walked over to the table and watched as Morgan grab us both plates and utensils before sitting down.

            After grabbing the syrup, butter and two bottles of water I joined her at the table and together we started to take down the feast I made. We both ate in silence, both of us still in our own little worlds for the moment. As we finished up our food we cleaned everything up and put all the dishes in the dishwasher before settling down on the couch together.

            "Did you know?" Morgan asked after we've been settled for a little bit. The question came as a little bit of a shock as it broke up the quiet moment we were in. The actual question had me a little stunned and I pulled Morgan a little closer to me before responding.

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