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Dawn started to rise as we left the apartment building. Morgan and I met up with Lionel and Warren to search the last apartment building and we found more of the same. Mostly D.O.A. or empty units. But there were a few with people stuck inside with injuries that needed help getting out of there unit. As we brought them over to the triage area, Rob called in again to say the town was secure. I gave them the okay to collapse back to the triage area to help out with the injured.

            Emmett and Cosima have been working most of the night getting the injured treated. Those with serious injuries, Petro's men have been transporting to a local clinic that has become a field hospital. There were some that didn't make it and they were laying out in the grass a little ways away from the area covered respectfully. All of the walking wounded have just hung around the area for now but are starting to return to try and salvage the rest of there homes.

            Rob and Monica's squads came and helped Emmett and Cosima when needed while I took a seat in the grass on the slope of the hill taking in the scene. I pulled my neck gaiter down and finally took a few sips of water from my pack. We've been on the go all night I've basically forgotten about it. Just as I finished the last of my water I saw movement from below me and saw a small body come from the triage area.

            It took a second to place but once I saw the backpack and jacket, I knew it was Kuzma. I gave him a smile and held out a hand for him when he got close. Kuzma took it and crawled right into my lap. I know my vest isn't that comfortable to lean against so I leaned him towards the side and wrapped my arm around him. He didn't say anything but just watched the sunrise with me. Together we shared this moment of peace at the end of this horrible night and from this moment, I knew that I would want to try and give him anything I could to protect him from the cruelty of this war.

            As the sun rose over what's left of the town, I knew we needed to get a move on. We still had a long drive ahead of us and we needed to start it. When I looked down I saw Kuzma was asleep in my arms and I didn't have the heart to move him. I pulled the SAT phone from my pant pocket and dialed the number for Collins. The call barely connected before her voice rang through the other end.

            "Major Collins."

            "Waiting by the phone for my call were ya?" I asked quietly not wanting to disturb him.

            "No one in command has slept all night Donovan, your call is being broadcasted through command right now." Collins said and I sighed.

            "Alright then, the town is secure, for now. There were two airstrikes and one missile I believe. Parts of apartment buildings were leveled. By my rough count, there are at least ten D.O.A. from just what I came across personally while searching for injured. Annabelle, this was just a town of civilians. There's nothing important here." I said trying to hold in my emotion but I knew it was close to breaking.

            "Okay, anything else going on?" Annabelle asked.

            "Emmett and Cosima are wrapping up the triage area we set up then we are going to move out towards our objective. We need to regroup first but we should be on the road again in a few hours." I said and felt Kuzma stir in my arms. When I looked down at him I saw his eyes open and then he looked up to see me. I couldn't help it; I leaned down and kissed his temple and took a deep breath. Kuzma just pushed himself into my arms tighter.

            "It's just us now Dani, I pulled the phone off the broadcast channel. Any injuries to the team? And what was that? It sounded inappropriate." Major Collins asked.

            "No injuries I'm aware of, if anything it's just cuts and scrapes. Morgan and I found a boy, no older then ten when we were searching through the apartments. His parents were killed in the blast but he managed to survive just with a broken arm. I'm going to try and see if I can find him somewhere to stay to see if they can find any relatives for him to get out of the country." I said.

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