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After I calmed down enough, Morgan let me go and I pulled my hat off and let my hair down. This night it about us, time to act like it. While Morgan was looking through the fridge to see what we could make for dinner, I took our bags into the bedroom. It really did look like Annabelle hasn't stepped foot in here. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she was sleeping in her office.

I changed into the pajama's I brought with me and met Morgan in the kitchen. She already had bottle of wine open and a glass poured waiting for me. I picked it up from the counter and walked over to where she was standing in front of the stove.

"What's in the oven?" I asked taking a sip of the chilled white wine.

"Apparently Annabelle got us fresh pierogi from somewhere off base, she left instructions on how to use the oven to warm them up." Morgan said and turned around to face me.

"I'm going to owe her big time after this." I said and watched as Morgan took a sip from her own wine glass.

"Yes, you most likely are, but for now, it's just us, remember." Morgan said and held out her wine glass towards me. I nodded and clinked glasses with her. After we each took a sip, Morgan went off to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable while I watched over our dinner.

I took in some other things in the fridge and topped off my glass by the time Morgan returned dressed in a pair of shorts and tank top. The flannel she was wearing before was draped over her shoulders as she came over to me and slide right into my side.

"How long before they are ready? I haven't eaten anything since breakfast." I asked.

"It shouldn't be long. Only about ten minutes. You need to remember to eat." Morgan said and ran a hand through my hair.

"I know, I was just too busy today to stop and take a break." I said and closed my eyes at the feeling of Morgan's hand scrapping through my hair.

"Well consider this as your reminder." Morgan said and pulled her hand from my hair. I pouted and opened my eyes to watch her walk over to the oven and pull out our dinner.

I tried to make myself useful and find the plates in the few different cabinets and once I did I grabbed two for us. Morgan grabbed the plate from my hand while I found the silver wear from a draw right under the cabinet that held the plate. I joined Morgan at the table and found her waiting for me. She took a fork from my hand before taking a few pierogi from the dish and put them on her own dish. I followed her lead and we eat dinner together. The pierogi were delicious and it made me a bit jealous that I probably won't be having them again in country, once we leave tomorrow. I pushed that thought away as quickly as it surfaced.

After we finished dinner, I took the plates to the kitchen and began to wash the dishes while I heard Morgan put on the TV in the living room. The routine of washing dishes put me at ease and by the time I was done, all I wanted to do was curl up in her arms. It took a second but I realized I could do just that. I downed the last of the wine in my glass and sat down on the couch next to her. Morgan pulled me tightly into her and wrapped her arms around my chest to hold me close to her. The TV is on, playing some kind of movie in Polish and I couldn't understand most of it. At this point it just served as background nose as I was only paying attention to Morgan.

"Is there something on my face that you aren't watching the movie?" She asked after another few minutes of staring.

"Well, I don't speak Polish so I barely know what's going on right now. But I much rather be looking at you. You're so much better to look at anyway." I said rested my chin on her chest.

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