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Time is a funny thing, when you want it to slow down, it only makes it go faster. After our conversation on the couch that night, Morgan and I finally had a clear picture of what we wanted for our future. Now, it was time to put in the work, together.

Two days later, after I dropped my uniform off with the tailor, I went back onto base and had a formal meeting with Annabelle about what I wanted to do with my remaining time on active duty. We went over current Gold Team personal and who I thought would be best in a leadership position. Right away I wanted Rob to take over as Gold One with Monica right behind him as Gold Two. As for another Sergeant to help out, I would have Rob look elsewhere and bring someone in for Gold Three. I believe that will help him make the team his own.

With that sorted out, we moved onto me and what I wanted to do with the remaining two years I have on my service contract. When I told her I would like to be transferred to work at Sniper School, Annabelle was all for it. So much that she called up the current director of the program and had a conversation with him right then and there. Once I passed my physical to return to active duty, I would start with them.

The next part was the hardest. I had to call a meeting with Gold Team to let them know about the changing of the guard. I called for everyone to meet at the cages later in the week and got there early to start going through everything I had in my cage. I would have to clean it out by the end of the month to make room for the new addition.

The team was on time for once, all in street wear and I was happy to see everyone look so rested and relaxed. Looking around the room at everyone, it got me choked up a bit. I have fought beside these men and women for years, they have saved my life and I theirs. When I finally broke the news, there were tears all around but everyone seamed to understand where I was coming from. Once the shock of that moment was over, I also told them that Rob would be the next Gold One with Monica as Gold Two. Rob and I would have a conversation about adding the newest member of Gold Team later. For now, in this moment, it was just about us and the team in this room.

When I finished off my speech I gave them all the information about when the ceremony would be for us to be presented with our medals and the changing of the guard. I thought it would be good for us to do it all on the same day in stead of dragging it all out in multiple ceremonies. With all the information out there, I dismissed everyone. In true Gold Team fashion though, they all stuck around and helped me start clean out my cage. I already knew what I could and couldn't take with me on the move, so I ended up giving a good portion of stuff to Rob. I left a few things in there for now, I'll grab everything else once I officially move on.

With the planning under way for the ceremony, Morgan told me that she is going to be presented with her medal at our ceremony. Her promotion will also come at the same time as well. It made it easier for me to tell my moms who wanted to come up to watch it. The plus side of this being an in house ceremony, we would be able to invite our family and friends.

The planning was a nice distraction from how stressed out I was about going to my first therapy session. With getting to work on something, it helped me sleep a bit better at night but I knew the ghosts would come back if I didn't take this step in helping myself. Doctor Reneé Fasching is a headstrong, intelligent, strong women who wouldn't put up with any of my shit. Our first session we were just trying to get a feel for each other but after that, it was no hold bar. Reneé went in deep and made me dreg up everything I have ever tried to burry from my past. Once she got an idea of what I was dealing with, I started seeing her twice a week. I had a lot I needed to work on with myself and I promised Morgan I would.

Two weeks into working with Reneé, we had our medal ceremony. It was nice to see everyone's family come out for it and we held it inside one of our auditoriums so we had plenty of room for everyone who wanted to come. Moms, Dominic, Dina and Kuzma were all waiting for us in the stands as Major Collins led the ceremony. She started with some background as to what happened and what we did during our time in Ukraine before she started with the presentation of the medals.

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