Part 1

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Time has finally been kind to us. Over the past few years, things have been relatively smooth and easy sailing. Kuzma has done really well in high school. Still playing soccer, still very good at it. Good enough that not only did he go out for varsity team as a freshman, he made the team and plays often. His grades are looking good as well and I've already had to chase away college recruiters that come to watch games.

            Morgan ended up deciding to stay on with the Army. Her last contract ended over the summer and we had a long discussion about whether or not she wanted to continue to serve. With her being so close to 20 years of service, she decided to make one final contract extension to reach that milestone before retiring with her full Army pension. She was also in line for another promotion soon, this time to Major. She is just waiting to the end of the year to see who would be retiring so she could move up into those empty holes.

            As for me, I just got through my third year on the job as a full time firefighter. I have grown to really love what I do now much more then my time in the Army. Life saving is much more fulfilling then life taking. I still keep up with VFW post on base and my old Gold Team friends. Some of which are starting to move onto bigger and better things. Including Rob. He is leaving the service at the end of this year now that he reached his 20 years. He's looking forward to getting some time off to be with his wife and kids. Which is now going to leave Gold Team in Monica's command. I was overjoyed for my friend when I found out the news.

            I was just coming home from my last shift on my 5 day tour swing when I found Kuzma sitting on the couch waiting for me, ready to leave for school just watching TV. The morning news was playing as I put my duffle bag down and walked over to him and kissed the top of his head before sitting down next to him. Over the past year, Kuzma started to shoot up. The more soccer he plays, the last of his baby fat is starting to fall off, leaving him pretty lean and muscly.

            We sat quietly together as the news played for another few minutes, just killing time before I needed to bring him to school. Just when I was about to bring up us leaving for school, the news started to play a new story.

            "Preparations are currently underway in Ukraine to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the end of the Russian lead invasion into the country. It is said that this anniversary gathering is going to be the largest of its kind as most of the country has been restored to it's former glory. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is going to be delivering an address to the nation during this ceremony. I'm sure we will be hearing more about the event as we get closer to the date in November."

            Kuzma turned the TV off after the anchor moved onto another story and we sat in silence for a few moments. Neither Morgan or I have told him about what else happened when we were over there to help free his country. He still hasn't asked but in the recent weeks I could tell it looks like he wanted to bring something up to us.

            "Can, can" Kuzma started before he stopped in his tracks. From years of raising him I knew to let him find his words before supplying them.

            "я хочу бути там на ювілей." Kuzma finally spoke in his first language. It took me a few seconds to realize what he saying. I want to be there for the anniversary.

            I gulped and brought my hand up over my ribs subconsciously suddenly feeling a phantom pain shoot through my side. 

            "You have been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?" I lightly questioned him.

            "так." He answered. I only nodded and saw the time on the clock on the wall.

            "I have to talk to Morgan about it okay, but for now, you need to get to school." I said and stood from the couch. Kuzma didn't say anything else as I deflected from the subject and  grabbed his backpack while I took my keys off the keyring and walked out to my car.

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