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The day after Christmas was set to be a busy one. The three of us all had follow up appointments with doctors at Fort Bragg to get to. So after having a big breakfast and making sure I had all of Kuzma's paperwork with me, the three of us headed out to the base. I drove on the way there. Even though it probably wasn't the best of idea's, I knew that I would most likely be to tired to drive back and I didn't want to make Morgan drive both ways. The twenty minute drive was pretty quiet. Most of the people were at home still in bed and not on the road, which cut the usual 25 minute trip down to 15.

            It was a good thing we got there early though because I got a call from Rob that he sent our phones on a flight here last night and they would be waiting for us in the special operations office. With it being the day after Christmas, I was able to find a parking spot right up in front of the doors so I was grateful I didn't have to walk far to get to the building. This happened to be the same building Dad's office was in and I had to push it out of my mind when I pulled the door open. Luckily, the phones were waiting for me at reception and all I had to do to get them was show my IDs. Once in hand, I made my way back to the car and hoped in.

            Morgan plugged both of our phones into the waiting charger as I drove us across the base towards the medical offices. It looked like there were more people here then at the other building as it took me a little longer to find a parking spot. We all walked inside and checked in. Morgan was called back in for her appointment first while Kuzma and I waited. It didn't take long before I heard Kuzma's name being called. Kuzma took my hand as we walked back in for his appointment together.

            I did make sure to tell the doctor that if they are looking for me for my appointment I'm in with him but they have notes all over Kuzma's chart that I'm his legal guardian, so I wouldn't be called for my appointment until after we are done with his. The doctor got to work in cutting off the cast on Kuzma's arm. I was happy I had the right idea in bringing a few of Kuzma's toy's with me, so I pulled the Rubik's cube from the backpack I have and handed it over to him. Together we tried to spin the colored squares around in order to solve the puzzle but with each of us only using one hand, we ended up laughing more then getting anywhere in solving the puzzle. In between laughing, Kuzma did teach me how to say all of the colors on the cube in Ukrainian.

            The doctor was amused at our antics but didn't say anything as he focused on getting the old cast off. Once the final cut was made, he pealed back the layers of tissue and finally, we all saw Kuzma's arm. It looked a bit gross not going to lie, but his arm healed straight, which is what we all wanted. After the doctor washed away the last of the tissue that was stuck to his arm, he took Kuzma down the hall for an x-ray to make sure everything is in it's rightful place and the bone is healing.

            It didn't take long for the doctor to come back in and pull up his x-ray. He actually showed us both the before and after shots of Kuzma's arm. I was just happy to hear that Kuzma didn't need another hard cast, only a hard brace for another two weeks before he would start PT to help regain motion in his wrist and arm. The doctor left the room and came back a few minutes later with a brace for Kuzma's arm. He took out the few stitches that were there from the surgery before cleaning his arm again before putting the brace on. Kuzma took everything like a champ and for that, the doctor gave him a lollipop.

            After his appointment was over we left and went back out front to the waiting room to wait for my appointment. We were waiting for about ten minutes before Morgan came out of the back without her sling. I gave her a smile as she sat down next to Kuzma as the two started to talk about there appointments. It took another five minutes before I got called in for my appointment.

            Once I got back into the exam room, the doctor introduced herself. Her name is Alison Johnstone and she told me about the very long phone call with Doctor Mayfield about my condition before seeing me today. It made me happy to know she was fully up to speed so I wouldn't have to go over everything with her.

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